how can i get a high school diploma that is recognized by the marine corps.?
i need to get a diploma, perhaps online or something. but i am not currently enrolled in school and i need it before the summer ends. if you know of any online places where i can get a diploma, and not a GED, please let me know. the MArines do not accept GED so it must be a 100 percent diploma. matbe a school, somewhere in columbus, ohio? please let me know thanks alot. i just want to serve my country.
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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You don't say how old you are or when you dropped out of high school. At a certain point your only option is going to be a GED. You need to talk to your school district about if and how you can get a high school diploma. You can also ask at your public library-they can point you in the right direction to research on line or in the library If you just want to serve your country, then check into the other branches of the military
Go to your local community college. They will have programs that can earn you a high school diploma. Good Luck! And Thank You for serving our country by joining the marines!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Where can I get a state ID in Columbus, Ohio?
Where can I get a state ID in Columbus, Ohio?
I really need to know how to get one because the guys at gamestop are dicksuckers. Im 17 and they wont take my fishing license and school ID... Anyone know where I can get a state ID?
Other - United States - 1 Answers
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At the DMV.
I really need to know how to get one because the guys at gamestop are dicksuckers. Im 17 and they wont take my fishing license and school ID... Anyone know where I can get a state ID?
Other - United States - 1 Answers
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At the DMV.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
How many miles between Columbus Ohio and New Delhi?
How many miles between Columbus Ohio and New Delhi? We are doing a school project and I have to find out how many miles if I am hitting the following cities. Pittsburg Penncilvania(sp?); Philadelphia, Pencilvania(sp?); New York City, New York; Ulaanbaastar, Mongolia; Beijing, China; Xian, China; Kunming, China; Bangkok, Thailand; Rangoon, Burma; Dhaka, Bangladesh; Kathmandu, Nepal; and fianally New Delhi, India. If you can help me please subract out the miles between New York and Ulaanbaastar. Thank you very much! Kisses! Other - Destinations - 1 Answers Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions : 1 You can use this site to get mileages from/to different cities. :) |
Sunday, April 24, 2011
I would like to know if there are soccer tryouts in Columbus Ohio for August?
I would like to know if there are soccer tryouts in Columbus Ohio for August?
I would like to know this because I was planning on joining the school team but since a levy did not pass all sports and clubs are canceled
Other - Soccer - 1 Answers
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You would most likely have to find an indoor soccer team in the winter i would assume........... i'm not sure.
I would like to know this because I was planning on joining the school team but since a levy did not pass all sports and clubs are canceled
Other - Soccer - 1 Answers
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You would most likely have to find an indoor soccer team in the winter i would assume........... i'm not sure.
Friday, April 22, 2011
home schooling in Columbus Ohio??
home schooling in Columbus Ohio??
looking for a free home schooling in columbus. can any 1 help me?
Home Schooling - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Check out Ohio Home Educators Network There is a lot of info about homeschooling in Ohio there. Good luck :D
Here are some virtual school options in Ohio: Here's some info about the pros and cons of online homeschooling: Hope this helps!
I highly recommend OHVA: I use the same curriculum, K12, and LOVE it.
Hi there...why don't you check out the Yahoo Groups waldorfschoolonline I think that you will be enlightened, surprised and altogether pleased with this group of homeschoolers. It is a very uplifiting and informative site.
looking for a free home schooling in columbus. can any 1 help me?
Home Schooling - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Check out Ohio Home Educators Network There is a lot of info about homeschooling in Ohio there. Good luck :D
Here are some virtual school options in Ohio: Here's some info about the pros and cons of online homeschooling: Hope this helps!
I highly recommend OHVA: I use the same curriculum, K12, and LOVE it.
Hi there...why don't you check out the Yahoo Groups waldorfschoolonline I think that you will be enlightened, surprised and altogether pleased with this group of homeschoolers. It is a very uplifiting and informative site.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Bradford Schools or Columbus State Community College?
Bradford Schools or Columbus State Community College?
I want to go to college and take culinary arts. I've looked at a few colleges. I live in Bellefontaine, Ohio and want to go to school in Columbus, Ohio. What college would you prefer: Columbus Culinary Institute at Bradford Schools or Columbus State Community College?? Any answer will help??
Cooking & Recipes - 1 Answers
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Honestly, I don't know anything about any of the schools you mention here -- but perhaps I can offer you some information that will help you decide for yourself: First of all, I don't really believe in the idea that there's a 'best' school; the choice of the best culinary school is personal and the best school for you might not be the best school for someone else. So, my first piece of advice is that you consider carefully what you need to get out of your culinary school experience. What gaps in your knowledge are you looking to fill? Are you just looking for a piece of paper (you know, a diploma or a degree...) that attests to your skill in order to get your career started? Take the time to list out the things you need to get out of your experience and then go out to each of these schools and measure how they score on your own personal evaluation scale. If you're looking to launch your career and feel you need that diploma to get you started, then the reputation of the schools with the chefs you hope will hire you once you graduate will be at the top of your list. Go out and speak with chefs, HR people, etc. and ask them about the reputation of each of these schools. Most chefs are willing to help someone out that has a passion for this profession (I recommend you try to catch them in the morning around 11am or in the afternoon, after the lunch rush and before dinner -- respect their time!). Other things you should look into: The qualifications of the Instructors. How many years experience do they have? Is that experience in fine dining? or in more industrial sorts of operations? Ask about any awards or accolades. Also ask about their teaching experience and what kind of training the school provides them to keep them sharp and on top of the latest culinary trends. Ask about class sizes: many schools talk about their student teacher ratio because their classes are very large. Then they throw a few under-qualified 'Assistant Instructors' in the classroom to lower their ratio -- you want a school that limits the number of students in the kitchen classroom to 20 or less and you want to make sure that you'll be working with qualified Head Instructors, not 'assistants' or 'associates'. Inspect the facilities. Make sure they have enough equipment for the numbers of students they're teaching. Do the kitchens look new, clean and well-cared for? Definitely speak with at least a couple of students and recent graduates. Ask about their experiences at school: did they learn the sorts of things they expected to learn? was the teaching environment conducive to learning? did each student get plenty of hands-on experience or did they have to compete with their fellow classmates for their turn at the stove (every student should really cook every day, but at some schools they make some students watch while their classmates cook and take turns)? Ask graduates about their experiences after graduation. Did they get the sort of placement help they expected? Did they learn the things in school that their hiring chef expected them to know once they got on the job? Also interview the Chef Instructors. You will be counting on these people to teach you. You should probably like them and absolutely better respect them, their experience and their attitude towards cooking. In addition to placement rates and graduation rates, the schools should be able to tell you about where their graduates go to work. It would be worth your while to contact those hiring restaurants or hotels and confirm the school's claims. Also ask the the hiring chef their opinion of the quality of the program. It's a lot of homework to perform, but considering the investment of time and money you're about to make, it's worth the up-front investment. We hear from a lot of students that start in a program only to quit before they finish because it didn't turn out to be ask they expected. Don't make that mistake. I hope you find this helpful. Good luck to you.
I want to go to college and take culinary arts. I've looked at a few colleges. I live in Bellefontaine, Ohio and want to go to school in Columbus, Ohio. What college would you prefer: Columbus Culinary Institute at Bradford Schools or Columbus State Community College?? Any answer will help??
Cooking & Recipes - 1 Answers
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Honestly, I don't know anything about any of the schools you mention here -- but perhaps I can offer you some information that will help you decide for yourself: First of all, I don't really believe in the idea that there's a 'best' school; the choice of the best culinary school is personal and the best school for you might not be the best school for someone else. So, my first piece of advice is that you consider carefully what you need to get out of your culinary school experience. What gaps in your knowledge are you looking to fill? Are you just looking for a piece of paper (you know, a diploma or a degree...) that attests to your skill in order to get your career started? Take the time to list out the things you need to get out of your experience and then go out to each of these schools and measure how they score on your own personal evaluation scale. If you're looking to launch your career and feel you need that diploma to get you started, then the reputation of the schools with the chefs you hope will hire you once you graduate will be at the top of your list. Go out and speak with chefs, HR people, etc. and ask them about the reputation of each of these schools. Most chefs are willing to help someone out that has a passion for this profession (I recommend you try to catch them in the morning around 11am or in the afternoon, after the lunch rush and before dinner -- respect their time!). Other things you should look into: The qualifications of the Instructors. How many years experience do they have? Is that experience in fine dining? or in more industrial sorts of operations? Ask about any awards or accolades. Also ask about their teaching experience and what kind of training the school provides them to keep them sharp and on top of the latest culinary trends. Ask about class sizes: many schools talk about their student teacher ratio because their classes are very large. Then they throw a few under-qualified 'Assistant Instructors' in the classroom to lower their ratio -- you want a school that limits the number of students in the kitchen classroom to 20 or less and you want to make sure that you'll be working with qualified Head Instructors, not 'assistants' or 'associates'. Inspect the facilities. Make sure they have enough equipment for the numbers of students they're teaching. Do the kitchens look new, clean and well-cared for? Definitely speak with at least a couple of students and recent graduates. Ask about their experiences at school: did they learn the sorts of things they expected to learn? was the teaching environment conducive to learning? did each student get plenty of hands-on experience or did they have to compete with their fellow classmates for their turn at the stove (every student should really cook every day, but at some schools they make some students watch while their classmates cook and take turns)? Ask graduates about their experiences after graduation. Did they get the sort of placement help they expected? Did they learn the things in school that their hiring chef expected them to know once they got on the job? Also interview the Chef Instructors. You will be counting on these people to teach you. You should probably like them and absolutely better respect them, their experience and their attitude towards cooking. In addition to placement rates and graduation rates, the schools should be able to tell you about where their graduates go to work. It would be worth your while to contact those hiring restaurants or hotels and confirm the school's claims. Also ask the the hiring chef their opinion of the quality of the program. It's a lot of homework to perform, but considering the investment of time and money you're about to make, it's worth the up-front investment. We hear from a lot of students that start in a program only to quit before they finish because it didn't turn out to be ask they expected. Don't make that mistake. I hope you find this helpful. Good luck to you.
Monday, April 18, 2011
What do i have to do, do get into PHARMACY SCHOOL?
What do i have to do, do get into PHARMACY SCHOOL?
Im a Senior in high school in Columbus Ohio, & i was wondering what i have to do to get into pharmacy school. I signed up to take the SAT & ACT, are there any other test i have to take to get into Pharmacy School?, i was trying to get into Univ. of Toledo, Univ. of Cincinnati, or OHIO Northern. What do i have to do to get into these schools?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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Good career. Browse through these web pages for some answers.
Take the subjects required. What I do know is that having work experience in a related area or in the pharmaceutical area can really help your chances.
Im a Senior in high school in Columbus Ohio, & i was wondering what i have to do to get into pharmacy school. I signed up to take the SAT & ACT, are there any other test i have to take to get into Pharmacy School?, i was trying to get into Univ. of Toledo, Univ. of Cincinnati, or OHIO Northern. What do i have to do to get into these schools?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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Good career. Browse through these web pages for some answers.
Take the subjects required. What I do know is that having work experience in a related area or in the pharmaceutical area can really help your chances.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
College life in Columbus,Ohio ???
College life in Columbus,Ohio ???
Im considering of applying to OSU, and have a close frriend who is considering goin go the Columbus art school there too.. except, i've heard that the city is very boring, and that there is not much to do there.. So is the college life boring there?? i mean, it is in the Capital of Ohio? Could it realy be that boring?
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
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It all depends on what you're looking for. I don't know about local clubs, those probably change pretty regularly, but there are museums, sports, shopping, concerts at nearby venues, and lots of things geared toward college students. It's less than 2 hours from Cleveland so if there's something you're dying to do in the "big" city, it's not that far away. I love living in Ohio, but it's not the place for everyone. See if you can visit your friend for a weekend, or set up a visit where you can stay on camups with OSU students. You may have to find your entertainment, and with such a big school they may not have events planned as regularly as a small school. If you want REALLY boring (but I still loved it), check out Ashland University, which is about an hour north of Columbus.
Not only is Columbus the capital, but OSU is the largest university in the country, with more than 40,000 students. They have every student activity that it's possible to have. Some people actually mean they think the entire midwest is boring. I, for example, need mountains around. No mountains worth the name in Ohio. Depends on what you like. I sure wouldn't let somebody's personal opinion keep me from going to a school that I'd probably like. Have you had a chance to visit the school and check it out for yourself? I'd try to do that.
Thats the craziest thing i have heard lol i live about 15 minutes away from the college I am 17 I plan on going there in the fall.. it is far from boring there is clubs everywhere there Is always something going on. I mean if you like to party then it is def. right for you but even if you are into other things there is a ton of options to go on around there..
Like some of the other responses have noted, it really depends on what constitutes "fun" for you. If you like going out to movies, there are quite a few decent theaters, including indie theaters. If you like restaurants and/or bars and clubs, there are several that offer wide ranges of cuisine and atmosphere. If you like the frat party/kegger scene, that's also an option. Columbus has a pretty extensive park system, and there are many miles of bike trails all over the city for the more outdoorsy set. Though again, it's not particularly hilly or mountainous, so if you love skiing and all-terrain hiking, then Columbus isn't the best choice for that kind of thing. There are various art fairs and ethnic festivals throughout the year either in the city or in the immediate suburbs. In short, there's plenty of things to do for most people, even ones who don't love football (just sleep in on autumn Saturdays). It doesn't have as much hustle-and-bustle of bigger cities like New York or LA, but that doesn't mean it's some sleepy, one stoplight kind of town either. There's close to 2 million people in the Columbus metro area, so it's still a decent-sized place.
Im considering of applying to OSU, and have a close frriend who is considering goin go the Columbus art school there too.. except, i've heard that the city is very boring, and that there is not much to do there.. So is the college life boring there?? i mean, it is in the Capital of Ohio? Could it realy be that boring?
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
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It all depends on what you're looking for. I don't know about local clubs, those probably change pretty regularly, but there are museums, sports, shopping, concerts at nearby venues, and lots of things geared toward college students. It's less than 2 hours from Cleveland so if there's something you're dying to do in the "big" city, it's not that far away. I love living in Ohio, but it's not the place for everyone. See if you can visit your friend for a weekend, or set up a visit where you can stay on camups with OSU students. You may have to find your entertainment, and with such a big school they may not have events planned as regularly as a small school. If you want REALLY boring (but I still loved it), check out Ashland University, which is about an hour north of Columbus.
Not only is Columbus the capital, but OSU is the largest university in the country, with more than 40,000 students. They have every student activity that it's possible to have. Some people actually mean they think the entire midwest is boring. I, for example, need mountains around. No mountains worth the name in Ohio. Depends on what you like. I sure wouldn't let somebody's personal opinion keep me from going to a school that I'd probably like. Have you had a chance to visit the school and check it out for yourself? I'd try to do that.
Thats the craziest thing i have heard lol i live about 15 minutes away from the college I am 17 I plan on going there in the fall.. it is far from boring there is clubs everywhere there Is always something going on. I mean if you like to party then it is def. right for you but even if you are into other things there is a ton of options to go on around there..
Like some of the other responses have noted, it really depends on what constitutes "fun" for you. If you like going out to movies, there are quite a few decent theaters, including indie theaters. If you like restaurants and/or bars and clubs, there are several that offer wide ranges of cuisine and atmosphere. If you like the frat party/kegger scene, that's also an option. Columbus has a pretty extensive park system, and there are many miles of bike trails all over the city for the more outdoorsy set. Though again, it's not particularly hilly or mountainous, so if you love skiing and all-terrain hiking, then Columbus isn't the best choice for that kind of thing. There are various art fairs and ethnic festivals throughout the year either in the city or in the immediate suburbs. In short, there's plenty of things to do for most people, even ones who don't love football (just sleep in on autumn Saturdays). It doesn't have as much hustle-and-bustle of bigger cities like New York or LA, but that doesn't mean it's some sleepy, one stoplight kind of town either. There's close to 2 million people in the Columbus metro area, so it's still a decent-sized place.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Summer community service opportunities for a teenager in Columbus, Ohio?
Summer community service opportunities for a teenager in Columbus, Ohio?
i would like to do community service this summer so i dont have to worry about it during the school year (if possible, a few hours a day) do you know of any places where it would be good for a teenager to do some [hopefully fun] community service this summer??
Community Service - 1 Answers
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There are very many volunteer opportunities in Columbus, Ohio: Libraries, Franklin County Humane Society, Animal Shelter, hospitals, food banks, Meals on Wheels (if you drive) etc. The best place to get hooked up with a list of opportunities is to contact First Link, which is a clearinghouse for matching people or organizations with needs with those willing to help. They even have a Youth Volunteer Corps. Location: FIRSTLINK, Inc. 195 North Grant Avenue Columbus, OH 43215 Phone Number: Information & Referral Line 2-1-1 (or 221-2255), available 24 hours
i would like to do community service this summer so i dont have to worry about it during the school year (if possible, a few hours a day) do you know of any places where it would be good for a teenager to do some [hopefully fun] community service this summer??
Community Service - 1 Answers
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There are very many volunteer opportunities in Columbus, Ohio: Libraries, Franklin County Humane Society, Animal Shelter, hospitals, food banks, Meals on Wheels (if you drive) etc. The best place to get hooked up with a list of opportunities is to contact First Link, which is a clearinghouse for matching people or organizations with needs with those willing to help. They even have a Youth Volunteer Corps. Location: FIRSTLINK, Inc. 195 North Grant Avenue Columbus, OH 43215 Phone Number: Information & Referral Line 2-1-1 (or 221-2255), available 24 hours
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
where can i go to get my GED in Columbus ohio?
where can i go to get my GED in Columbus ohio?
My buddy just moved here from France. He has a French high school diploma, but he wanted to get a GED in the United State.
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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Go to the board of education in Columbus. They have everything you need their to fill out and they will tell you what you need to do.
My buddy just moved here from France. He has a French high school diploma, but he wanted to get a GED in the United State.
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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Go to the board of education in Columbus. They have everything you need their to fill out and they will tell you what you need to do.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Are there any cosmetology programs to attend during the summer in Columbus Ohio or any where in Columbus?
Are there any cosmetology programs to attend during the summer in Columbus Ohio or any where in Columbus?
I am attending college during the school year but would really like to get my license as a hair dresser
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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1 The course will last longer than a summer(it is 1500 hours for your state, and it will take you about a year to complete.), and you MUST complete the hours and requirements before going in for your State board Exam.
I am attending college during the school year but would really like to get my license as a hair dresser
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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1 The course will last longer than a summer(it is 1500 hours for your state, and it will take you about a year to complete.), and you MUST complete the hours and requirements before going in for your State board Exam.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Where can I find a part time job in Columbus, Ohio for a 15 year old high school student with no experience?
Where can I find a part time job in Columbus, Ohio for a 15 year old high school student with no experience?
i've read the paper, been on the internet, and even to some of the actuall job locations near my house. if there's anyone out there who can answer my question please help me. btw i've already applied for krogers. and if you can, try to suggest a job within the 43207 are, or pretty close by i've applied at a couple of fast food restraunts. if you have any other suggestions i'd be more than gratefull to hear... see them. btw i've also applied at walmart- sorta.
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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Try the fast food places. They are nearly looking for help all the time. Fill out an application and you will probably will be called.
I live in Australia but have you thought about starting your own little business in your neighbourhood like; dog walking/washing, car washing, yard cleaning/odd jobs, collecting mail and watering plants/garden, pet feeding, while people are on holidays, window cleaning, helping younger kids with school work/tutoring. If you got a few regulars it would probably pay more (cash in hand). Be reliable, dress smart and clean and be keen!
i've read the paper, been on the internet, and even to some of the actuall job locations near my house. if there's anyone out there who can answer my question please help me. btw i've already applied for krogers. and if you can, try to suggest a job within the 43207 are, or pretty close by i've applied at a couple of fast food restraunts. if you have any other suggestions i'd be more than gratefull to hear... see them. btw i've also applied at walmart- sorta.
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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Try the fast food places. They are nearly looking for help all the time. Fill out an application and you will probably will be called.
I live in Australia but have you thought about starting your own little business in your neighbourhood like; dog walking/washing, car washing, yard cleaning/odd jobs, collecting mail and watering plants/garden, pet feeding, while people are on holidays, window cleaning, helping younger kids with school work/tutoring. If you got a few regulars it would probably pay more (cash in hand). Be reliable, dress smart and clean and be keen!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Is there any Indian community in columbus Ohio.Pls help which area is better for a new person in Ohio. Thanks
Is there any Indian community in columbus Ohio.Pls help which area is better for a new person in Ohio. Thanks
Hi We are moving from NewJersey to Columbus Ohio. which area suits best for a newcomer and which school district is good as my child goes to G2 now.Pls help as Im confused and require little info about that. Thanks
Other - United States - 1 Answers
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There are lots of Indians in Columbus (though probably not as many as in NJ) but they are spread out. The best school districts in Columbus are: Upper Arlington, Dublin, Olentangy, New Albany. Dublin probably (in my unscientific methodology) has the most Indians of that group. Also, Dublin is not far from the Barthyia Hindu Temple - - that's a good place to meet many in the Indian community here in town. Welcome to Columbus.
Hi We are moving from NewJersey to Columbus Ohio. which area suits best for a newcomer and which school district is good as my child goes to G2 now.Pls help as Im confused and require little info about that. Thanks
Other - United States - 1 Answers
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There are lots of Indians in Columbus (though probably not as many as in NJ) but they are spread out. The best school districts in Columbus are: Upper Arlington, Dublin, Olentangy, New Albany. Dublin probably (in my unscientific methodology) has the most Indians of that group. Also, Dublin is not far from the Barthyia Hindu Temple - - that's a good place to meet many in the Indian community here in town. Welcome to Columbus.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Is there any Indian community in columbus Ohio.Pls help which area is better for a new person in Ohio. Thanks
Is there any Indian community in columbus Ohio.Pls help which area is better for a new person in Ohio. Thanks
Hi We are moving from NewJersey to Columbus Ohio. which area suits best for a newcomer and which school district is good as my child goes to G2 now.Pls help as Im confused and require little info about that. Thanks
Other - United States - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
There are lots of Indians in Columbus (though probably not as many as in NJ) but they are spread out. The best school districts in Columbus are: Upper Arlington, Dublin, Olentangy, New Albany. Dublin probably (in my unscientific methodology) has the most Indians of that group. Also, Dublin is not far from the Barthyia Hindu Temple - - that's a good place to meet many in the Indian community here in town. Welcome to Columbus.
Hi We are moving from NewJersey to Columbus Ohio. which area suits best for a newcomer and which school district is good as my child goes to G2 now.Pls help as Im confused and require little info about that. Thanks
Other - United States - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
There are lots of Indians in Columbus (though probably not as many as in NJ) but they are spread out. The best school districts in Columbus are: Upper Arlington, Dublin, Olentangy, New Albany. Dublin probably (in my unscientific methodology) has the most Indians of that group. Also, Dublin is not far from the Barthyia Hindu Temple - - that's a good place to meet many in the Indian community here in town. Welcome to Columbus.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Question about Columbus, Ohio?
Question about Columbus, Ohio?
In a few years I plan on going to Ohio State in Columbus, Ohio. I have a few questions about it though to top of my research. How is the schools in Columbus? What is there to do? Is Ohio State a good school to attend? Is Columbus a good place to raise a family? Thank you and if you want to add anything else that would be helpful! Thank you :)
Other - United States - 4 Answers
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columbus is an awesome city for every thing! so yea go there
The Ohio State University is awesome! It's really big so there is pretty much anything you could want to do there. My sister goes there and she loves it. Columbus is a great city also, however for raising a family I would suggest a suburb like Dublin or Westerville or Hilliard or Worthington. There a tons of suburbs because Columbus Public Schools are pretty much what you would expect from a big inner city. I have lived in Columbus for about 6 years and I went to high school in Dublin. I chose to attend a community college to save money, but OSU really is a great school. Also, they will accept almost anyone to their satellite campus there is one in Newark and one in Delaware which are only about 30 mins outside Columbus.
i lived 20 mins from there a while ago and always went there so i will try to help their ok they are not like harvard or anything but they are good schools its a BIG city so theres lots to do you just have to think about what you want to do i have never been there but the schools in ohio i have been too are good honestly i dont think people should raise familes because of all the villence that goes on there...unless you are in the good part of the city
I used to live in Ohio, and always found columbus to be the cleanest of the Ohio cities. There are many things to do in Columbus including some cool museums (Cosi), the Zoo, etc. Ohio State is an OK school to attend, a little to big for my tastes (I went to Ohio University). I think with OSU you get out of it what you put into with any school, but more so there. Columbus and the surrounding towns are great places to bring up kids for the reasons above, clean, friendly, good schools, educational non-school things to do, culture, etc. good luck, I am sure you will love Columbus.
In a few years I plan on going to Ohio State in Columbus, Ohio. I have a few questions about it though to top of my research. How is the schools in Columbus? What is there to do? Is Ohio State a good school to attend? Is Columbus a good place to raise a family? Thank you and if you want to add anything else that would be helpful! Thank you :)
Other - United States - 4 Answers
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columbus is an awesome city for every thing! so yea go there
The Ohio State University is awesome! It's really big so there is pretty much anything you could want to do there. My sister goes there and she loves it. Columbus is a great city also, however for raising a family I would suggest a suburb like Dublin or Westerville or Hilliard or Worthington. There a tons of suburbs because Columbus Public Schools are pretty much what you would expect from a big inner city. I have lived in Columbus for about 6 years and I went to high school in Dublin. I chose to attend a community college to save money, but OSU really is a great school. Also, they will accept almost anyone to their satellite campus there is one in Newark and one in Delaware which are only about 30 mins outside Columbus.
i lived 20 mins from there a while ago and always went there so i will try to help their ok they are not like harvard or anything but they are good schools its a BIG city so theres lots to do you just have to think about what you want to do i have never been there but the schools in ohio i have been too are good honestly i dont think people should raise familes because of all the villence that goes on there...unless you are in the good part of the city
I used to live in Ohio, and always found columbus to be the cleanest of the Ohio cities. There are many things to do in Columbus including some cool museums (Cosi), the Zoo, etc. Ohio State is an OK school to attend, a little to big for my tastes (I went to Ohio University). I think with OSU you get out of it what you put into with any school, but more so there. Columbus and the surrounding towns are great places to bring up kids for the reasons above, clean, friendly, good schools, educational non-school things to do, culture, etc. good luck, I am sure you will love Columbus.
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