I'm moving to Columbus Ohio. Can anyone tell me about the city?
I have kids, ages 2 1/2 and 8 weeks, so I need to know about children's activities. I also don't have a place to live yet, we're staying with family until we find a place, so I need to know what are good neighborhoods with relatively cheap places to rent. Anyone who knows of any job openings could let me know. I have a B.S. in psychology and my boyfriend only has a high school diploma. If any of you have kids, please let me know what the school systems are like and where some good preschools/day care centers are located so I can check them out. We are moving from a small town in Kentucky that has no opportunities for either of us and terrible school systems. I'm very stressed, so please help!
Other - US Local Businesses - 6 Answers
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I have only been to Columbus a few times, but it seems like a great city.
i've been there couple of times and its a great city! i think you will like it!
COSI and the Columbus Zoo are both fabulous family places to go any time of year. The French market is great too. My sister and her family lived in Columbus for a few years and loved it. If you're not already, get ready to be a Buckeyes fan, they live and breathe it there. The Ohio State University is affiliated with one of the hospital systems there so it's a teaching hospital, if you are looking to go further with your degree, consider applying there. I'm sorry I don't know what to tell you about housing, it's such a different city. Very expensive houses surrounded by college students. Look around and see where you feel comfortable. There are so many options. It's big and loud, but very friendly.
The Dublin ( north side) and Easton ( East of course) suburbs are superb as far as amenities and the people who live in the area. If you like historic, try Germantown, an area just south of the city center that has many beautifully restored old buildings and a well kept neighborhood. All of the above are the stand outs, but as far as cheap goes, it's pretty much scatter shot all across the city, and like any city Columbus does have it's seedy areas. Don't worry, the decent ones aren't hard to find. When you move there, try a couple of places on Vine St. just North of the City's center...The North Market, which is a great place to pick up things like gourmet cheeses, bread and other great food...and This Thai reaturant on the same street called Thai-Phoon, it's nice inside and the food is above average.
my wife and i lived in columbus for a little over 5 yrs..couldnt wait to leave..very busy city..very overly populated unless you live on the outskirts..their are some nice (??) places..mostly appartments..all require refernces and a nifty security deposit..we lived off morris ave. not to far from rt 71...like i said..it can be a rough place to live...there is a day school/child preschool almost within walking distance from those apartments...also up morris ave. are various grocery stores and a wall-mart...tons of restaraunts..pro hockey...osu sports..which pretty much owns that city...oberlin college...catholic schools not to far from were we lived..also some storage buildings...i think (???) they were the ''carlton apts'''...good luck...i can think of better cities to live in...rt 271 goes totaly around the outskirts of the city...lots of buisnesses..just take your time and shop around ...NOT downtown...enjoy...beam me up buckeyes
I live just outside of Columbus. I don't suggest moving actually into Columbus. It is very busy with the airport, OSU, theaters, COSI, the Blue Jackets (Hockey), the Clippers (baseball) and everything else downtown. I moved here from a small town and love it!! Being in the suburbs puts you close to many activities but far enough away to avoid the major conjestions of the city. Some of the better school districts are Dublin, Powell, New Albany, Pickerington, but you'll pay higher living costs in these areas. If you have children though, it's worth it for their education. Some other areas are Reynoldsburg, , Lancaster, Pataskala, Grove City, Canal Winchester. There are many daycare centers Rainbow Station is the only on I can think of off the top of my head. The YMCA also offers child care and I know they have a scholarship program for families with lower income. There are jobs everywhere, but it may take a little bit to find something in your field. You can always find something in the meantime. There are retail stores adn malls everywhere, along with many distribution centers (GAP, Limited, Too Inc, Victoria's Secret, Eddie Bauer, etc.). As I said, I love living here, there are so many opportunities for my daughter here that there wouldn't be in a smaller town. But the suburbs are the way to go. I read the previous replies, outerbelt Route 270 runs all the way around Columbus, it makes for easier commute to wherever, but I would suggest living outside of the outerbelt, versus inside. Check out the foolowing link for apartments; http://www.forrent.com/ . I think it'll also give you a link to check out he school systems. Good Luck and I do hope you're ready to be a Buckeye Fan, it comes with teh territory.
Talks about Columbus Ohio Schools
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
thoughts on columbus ohio?
thoughts on columbus ohio?
My boyfriend and i may be moving to columbus ohio so that he can go to law school at capital university. im just trying to get an idea of where it is safe and not safe. nice parts, things to do, cost to rent, surrounding areas to consider for living, yadda yadda. if you know any of this please answer. thanks for your help!
Other - United States - 1 Answers
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Here is everything you need to know........ http://www.columbus.worldweb.com/ Columbus, Ohio has fine food.
My boyfriend and i may be moving to columbus ohio so that he can go to law school at capital university. im just trying to get an idea of where it is safe and not safe. nice parts, things to do, cost to rent, surrounding areas to consider for living, yadda yadda. if you know any of this please answer. thanks for your help!
Other - United States - 1 Answers
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Here is everything you need to know........ http://www.columbus.worldweb.com/ Columbus, Ohio has fine food.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
where to live in columbus ohio?
where to live in columbus ohio?
im looking for a nice suburban like place in columbus ohio to start a family and a small business. im looking for good schools, access to the city, and reasonable to low housing costs. know some good places?
Cincinnati - 2 Answers
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See article called "Best place to live in Columbus" on http://www.summaryworld.com/home-and-garden/best-place-to-live-in-columbus-ohio.
try gahanna
im looking for a nice suburban like place in columbus ohio to start a family and a small business. im looking for good schools, access to the city, and reasonable to low housing costs. know some good places?
Cincinnati - 2 Answers
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See article called "Best place to live in Columbus" on http://www.summaryworld.com/home-and-garden/best-place-to-live-in-columbus-ohio.
try gahanna
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Where in Columbus, OH area are best for schools and reasonably priced?
Where in Columbus, OH area are best for schools and reasonably priced?
I am looking into areas within columbus, ohio for possibly moving myself and my 4 year old. Schools system and cost being big issues. I may or may not be able to convince a local friend to come and kinda be a housemate to help share the cost. Anyone has recommendations for areas of around columbus well known for schools but without breaking the bank?
Other - United States - 3 Answers
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I live 65 miles north of Columbus. the cost of living would be less in a smaller town. Lots of houses for sale here,but jobs are scarce.
Grandview Heights is a great little suburb only a couple of miles from downtown, and there are some very reasonably priced homes there. The schools are great - personal attention and small classes and all that, and it's just a very pleasant place to live.
Upper Arlington has good schools, but is pretty pricey. Same with New Albany. You might want to check out Westerville, Worthington and Dublin. All have good solid schools, but you might be able to slide into some of those neigborhoods without breaking the bank. http://ColumbusWebDirectory.com
I am looking into areas within columbus, ohio for possibly moving myself and my 4 year old. Schools system and cost being big issues. I may or may not be able to convince a local friend to come and kinda be a housemate to help share the cost. Anyone has recommendations for areas of around columbus well known for schools but without breaking the bank?
Other - United States - 3 Answers
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I live 65 miles north of Columbus. the cost of living would be less in a smaller town. Lots of houses for sale here,but jobs are scarce.
Grandview Heights is a great little suburb only a couple of miles from downtown, and there are some very reasonably priced homes there. The schools are great - personal attention and small classes and all that, and it's just a very pleasant place to live.
Upper Arlington has good schools, but is pretty pricey. Same with New Albany. You might want to check out Westerville, Worthington and Dublin. All have good solid schools, but you might be able to slide into some of those neigborhoods without breaking the bank. http://ColumbusWebDirectory.com
Friday, June 10, 2011
Columbus Ohio...info about the area
Columbus Ohio...info about the area?
I graduate in May with a bachelors in health studies. I plan on moving to or near Columbus Ohio shortly after to attend nursing school to become an RN. But the thing is that Im a single parent with 2 kids so obviously I have to work while I attend nursing school. So my question is what is the cost of living like in the Columbus area? Like the prices of apartments? Safe areas to live, decent schools and daycares? And the abundance of jobs in the area? Oh and I plan to do some of my degree online but OBVIOUSLY I have to do my clinicals and hands on training in Columbus, so areas around Columbus to live would be nice to know as well. Thanks! LOL...I actually live in Michigan. Born and raised here so of course the weather is not a problem to me, if your from the north the weather doesnt even phase you...
Other - United States - 1 Answers
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Congratulations on your future graduation! I wish you the best for you and your family. You may want to do more research on the area you plan to move to. Unless you have other advantages/reasons for moving to Columbus, such as family, etc., you may be better off in the long run to move to another city in the US to cointinue your studies. Columbus, Ohio, and the Midwest region of the country in general, have been facing major and continuing job losses, and while nursing may be a relatively stable career, you may want to consider moving to a city that has a more diverse economy, and therefore, a lower overall unemployment rate, and future job growth and expansion. Ohio has lost population for decades, and they have recently been among the highest states in rates of foreclosure. There is more to Columbus than a job: it's weather can be depressing during the winter, with gray skies and freezing temperatures daily, and once it snows, the snow generally lingers for two months or more. You will learn the true meaning of "cabin fever" if you live in Columbus for any length of time. While I enjoyed many things about living in the Columbus area, I was a native of the South, and I dont know if that is why I never felt welcome there. The culture is different, less friendly (I gave it 10 years!) than in the South, although I must say that in Cincinnati, the culture is a bit more southern. I loved the history of Ohio, and explored many places while there. Traditions in Columbus include THE Ohio State University and the Buckeyes, and wearing Scarlet and Gray is an unspoken requirement if you ever want to have a chance of being accepted. Buckeye football is a topic of discussion 24/7/365. To answer some of your questions: So my question is what is the cost of living like in the Columbus area? Like the prices of apartments? It depends on what part of the city you live. I paid ranges from $550. to 650 the last year I lived there (2007). http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/QTTable?_bm=y&-geo_id=04000US39&-qr_name=DEC_2000_SF3_U_DP4&-ds_name=DEC_2000_SF3_U&-redoLog=false Safe areas to live, decent schools and daycares? The northern suburbs have good school districts, but are also more expensive to live in. Dublin, Delaware, Westerville. Upper Arlington is more expensive. And the abundance of jobs in the area? Daily news reports of another company closing, jobs being lost, etc., was very depressing, (along with the weather), and was a major determinant in my decision to relocate. Michigan ("That State Up North"), has lost many jobs, and consider that Ohio's employment rate may be affected by the influx of Michiganers coming to look for work in OH. Overall, I loved the years that I lived in Ohio, and while it didnt work out exactly as I would have liked, I learned so much and am grateful for having had the opportunity and experience. I learned how to pack up and move and relocate to any other place, and make a life in a new place, among other things. If you are looking to settle in and stay for the rest of your life, another city that has a more promising future, stable economy, etc., would be a better choice in the long run. Some links you may want to use for research: US Census Bureau - Ohio information: http://www.census.gov/census2000/states/oh.html Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services: http://jfs.ohio.gov/releases/ The Columbus Dispatch newspaper: http://dispatch.com/live/content/index.html Other links: http://www-agecon.ag.ohio-state.edu/programs/exurbs/growthandchange/statestory.htm http://ohio.sierraclub.org/sprawl/downcount.pdf
I graduate in May with a bachelors in health studies. I plan on moving to or near Columbus Ohio shortly after to attend nursing school to become an RN. But the thing is that Im a single parent with 2 kids so obviously I have to work while I attend nursing school. So my question is what is the cost of living like in the Columbus area? Like the prices of apartments? Safe areas to live, decent schools and daycares? And the abundance of jobs in the area? Oh and I plan to do some of my degree online but OBVIOUSLY I have to do my clinicals and hands on training in Columbus, so areas around Columbus to live would be nice to know as well. Thanks! LOL...I actually live in Michigan. Born and raised here so of course the weather is not a problem to me, if your from the north the weather doesnt even phase you...
Other - United States - 1 Answers
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Congratulations on your future graduation! I wish you the best for you and your family. You may want to do more research on the area you plan to move to. Unless you have other advantages/reasons for moving to Columbus, such as family, etc., you may be better off in the long run to move to another city in the US to cointinue your studies. Columbus, Ohio, and the Midwest region of the country in general, have been facing major and continuing job losses, and while nursing may be a relatively stable career, you may want to consider moving to a city that has a more diverse economy, and therefore, a lower overall unemployment rate, and future job growth and expansion. Ohio has lost population for decades, and they have recently been among the highest states in rates of foreclosure. There is more to Columbus than a job: it's weather can be depressing during the winter, with gray skies and freezing temperatures daily, and once it snows, the snow generally lingers for two months or more. You will learn the true meaning of "cabin fever" if you live in Columbus for any length of time. While I enjoyed many things about living in the Columbus area, I was a native of the South, and I dont know if that is why I never felt welcome there. The culture is different, less friendly (I gave it 10 years!) than in the South, although I must say that in Cincinnati, the culture is a bit more southern. I loved the history of Ohio, and explored many places while there. Traditions in Columbus include THE Ohio State University and the Buckeyes, and wearing Scarlet and Gray is an unspoken requirement if you ever want to have a chance of being accepted. Buckeye football is a topic of discussion 24/7/365. To answer some of your questions: So my question is what is the cost of living like in the Columbus area? Like the prices of apartments? It depends on what part of the city you live. I paid ranges from $550. to 650 the last year I lived there (2007). http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/QTTable?_bm=y&-geo_id=04000US39&-qr_name=DEC_2000_SF3_U_DP4&-ds_name=DEC_2000_SF3_U&-redoLog=false Safe areas to live, decent schools and daycares? The northern suburbs have good school districts, but are also more expensive to live in. Dublin, Delaware, Westerville. Upper Arlington is more expensive. And the abundance of jobs in the area? Daily news reports of another company closing, jobs being lost, etc., was very depressing, (along with the weather), and was a major determinant in my decision to relocate. Michigan ("That State Up North"), has lost many jobs, and consider that Ohio's employment rate may be affected by the influx of Michiganers coming to look for work in OH. Overall, I loved the years that I lived in Ohio, and while it didnt work out exactly as I would have liked, I learned so much and am grateful for having had the opportunity and experience. I learned how to pack up and move and relocate to any other place, and make a life in a new place, among other things. If you are looking to settle in and stay for the rest of your life, another city that has a more promising future, stable economy, etc., would be a better choice in the long run. Some links you may want to use for research: US Census Bureau - Ohio information: http://www.census.gov/census2000/states/oh.html Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services: http://jfs.ohio.gov/releases/ The Columbus Dispatch newspaper: http://dispatch.com/live/content/index.html Other links: http://www-agecon.ag.ohio-state.edu/programs/exurbs/growthandchange/statestory.htm http://ohio.sierraclub.org/sprawl/downcount.pdf
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Local work from home opportunities in Columbus, Ohio?
Local work from home opportunities in Columbus, Ohio?
Hello, I am looking for companies in Columbus, Ohio that offer work from/at home opportunities. I'm in school and I need the convience but I want to deal with local comanies only. If you have any information, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank You
Other - US Local Businesses - 3 Answers
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If you are interested in health products, I have an opportunity for you. And there is a rep in Columbus who could work directly with you. Contact me through my profile and we can talk more about it.
There is renown USA company that deals with internet education. Its super affiliate program has attracted thousands from various parts of the world. The info you need is just a click away.
There are many ways to work with BeautiControl. They train you to have Spa parties in which you can customize skincare the guests, sell spa/body products and cosmetics. They also train you to determine peoples "seasons" and which colors are best for them both in wardrobe and cosmetics, with make-up application techniques. Another route is being Bridal consultant, they supply everything you need to help brides with there big day, regarding dress type, hair style & veil choice, skincare, make-up and relaxation techniques. Another option is going in to businesses and having mini stress breaks. I have hosted parties at my house, gone to peoples houses and hosted parties for them, gone into businesses for the stress breaks and now I use the products with my massage clients. The products are wonderful and they sell themselves. I am pretty new to BC, but so far I love it. I joined for the skincare because I had heard wonderful things about it, and because to remain a consultant and receive the discount on the skincare you just have to place a $100 retail order every 3 months. (minus discount). Now I am building a business for myself, so I can stay at home with my little girl, she is one month old. BC supplies everything to start your own business. All for $99, what an opportunity! It's usually $250 to join and receive over $500 in products but this month it's $99! If you are interested, email me or check out my site listed below in sources. Good Luck! Barbie 1029211
Hello, I am looking for companies in Columbus, Ohio that offer work from/at home opportunities. I'm in school and I need the convience but I want to deal with local comanies only. If you have any information, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank You
Other - US Local Businesses - 3 Answers
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If you are interested in health products, I have an opportunity for you. And there is a rep in Columbus who could work directly with you. Contact me through my profile and we can talk more about it.
There is renown USA company that deals with internet education. Its super affiliate program has attracted thousands from various parts of the world. The info you need is just a click away.
There are many ways to work with BeautiControl. They train you to have Spa parties in which you can customize skincare the guests, sell spa/body products and cosmetics. They also train you to determine peoples "seasons" and which colors are best for them both in wardrobe and cosmetics, with make-up application techniques. Another route is being Bridal consultant, they supply everything you need to help brides with there big day, regarding dress type, hair style & veil choice, skincare, make-up and relaxation techniques. Another option is going in to businesses and having mini stress breaks. I have hosted parties at my house, gone to peoples houses and hosted parties for them, gone into businesses for the stress breaks and now I use the products with my massage clients. The products are wonderful and they sell themselves. I am pretty new to BC, but so far I love it. I joined for the skincare because I had heard wonderful things about it, and because to remain a consultant and receive the discount on the skincare you just have to place a $100 retail order every 3 months. (minus discount). Now I am building a business for myself, so I can stay at home with my little girl, she is one month old. BC supplies everything to start your own business. All for $99, what an opportunity! It's usually $250 to join and receive over $500 in products but this month it's $99! If you are interested, email me or check out my site listed below in sources. Good Luck! Barbie 1029211
Monday, June 6, 2011
What is the exact school supplies list for Yorktown elementry!?
What is the exact school supplies list for Yorktown elementry!?
Not just a middle school but the school supplies list for a 6th grader in columbus ohio going to Yorktown middle school!Be specific exactly!
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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I don't know but their website is teh suck!
Not just a middle school but the school supplies list for a 6th grader in columbus ohio going to Yorktown middle school!Be specific exactly!
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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I don't know but their website is teh suck!
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