I'm moving to Columbus Ohio. Can anyone tell me about the city?
I have kids, ages 2 1/2 and 8 weeks, so I need to know about children's activities. I also don't have a place to live yet, we're staying with family until we find a place, so I need to know what are good neighborhoods with relatively cheap places to rent. Anyone who knows of any job openings could let me know. I have a B.S. in psychology and my boyfriend only has a high school diploma. If any of you have kids, please let me know what the school systems are like and where some good preschools/day care centers are located so I can check them out. We are moving from a small town in Kentucky that has no opportunities for either of us and terrible school systems. I'm very stressed, so please help!
Other - US Local Businesses - 6 Answers
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I have only been to Columbus a few times, but it seems like a great city.
i've been there couple of times and its a great city! i think you will like it!
COSI and the Columbus Zoo are both fabulous family places to go any time of year. The French market is great too. My sister and her family lived in Columbus for a few years and loved it. If you're not already, get ready to be a Buckeyes fan, they live and breathe it there. The Ohio State University is affiliated with one of the hospital systems there so it's a teaching hospital, if you are looking to go further with your degree, consider applying there. I'm sorry I don't know what to tell you about housing, it's such a different city. Very expensive houses surrounded by college students. Look around and see where you feel comfortable. There are so many options. It's big and loud, but very friendly.
The Dublin ( north side) and Easton ( East of course) suburbs are superb as far as amenities and the people who live in the area. If you like historic, try Germantown, an area just south of the city center that has many beautifully restored old buildings and a well kept neighborhood. All of the above are the stand outs, but as far as cheap goes, it's pretty much scatter shot all across the city, and like any city Columbus does have it's seedy areas. Don't worry, the decent ones aren't hard to find. When you move there, try a couple of places on Vine St. just North of the City's center...The North Market, which is a great place to pick up things like gourmet cheeses, bread and other great food...and This Thai reaturant on the same street called Thai-Phoon, it's nice inside and the food is above average.
my wife and i lived in columbus for a little over 5 yrs..couldnt wait to leave..very busy city..very overly populated unless you live on the outskirts..their are some nice (??) places..mostly appartments..all require refernces and a nifty security deposit..we lived off morris ave. not to far from rt 71...like i said..it can be a rough place to live...there is a day school/child preschool almost within walking distance from those apartments...also up morris ave. are various grocery stores and a wall-mart...tons of restaraunts..pro hockey...osu sports..which pretty much owns that city...oberlin college...catholic schools not to far from were we lived..also some storage buildings...i think (???) they were the ''carlton apts'''...good luck...i can think of better cities to live in...rt 271 goes totaly around the outskirts of the city...lots of buisnesses..just take your time and shop around ...NOT downtown...enjoy...beam me up buckeyes
I live just outside of Columbus. I don't suggest moving actually into Columbus. It is very busy with the airport, OSU, theaters, COSI, the Blue Jackets (Hockey), the Clippers (baseball) and everything else downtown. I moved here from a small town and love it!! Being in the suburbs puts you close to many activities but far enough away to avoid the major conjestions of the city. Some of the better school districts are Dublin, Powell, New Albany, Pickerington, but you'll pay higher living costs in these areas. If you have children though, it's worth it for their education. Some other areas are Reynoldsburg, , Lancaster, Pataskala, Grove City, Canal Winchester. There are many daycare centers Rainbow Station is the only on I can think of off the top of my head. The YMCA also offers child care and I know they have a scholarship program for families with lower income. There are jobs everywhere, but it may take a little bit to find something in your field. You can always find something in the meantime. There are retail stores adn malls everywhere, along with many distribution centers (GAP, Limited, Too Inc, Victoria's Secret, Eddie Bauer, etc.). As I said, I love living here, there are so many opportunities for my daughter here that there wouldn't be in a smaller town. But the suburbs are the way to go. I read the previous replies, outerbelt Route 270 runs all the way around Columbus, it makes for easier commute to wherever, but I would suggest living outside of the outerbelt, versus inside. Check out the foolowing link for apartments; http://www.forrent.com/ . I think it'll also give you a link to check out he school systems. Good Luck and I do hope you're ready to be a Buckeye Fan, it comes with teh territory.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
thoughts on columbus ohio?
thoughts on columbus ohio?
My boyfriend and i may be moving to columbus ohio so that he can go to law school at capital university. im just trying to get an idea of where it is safe and not safe. nice parts, things to do, cost to rent, surrounding areas to consider for living, yadda yadda. if you know any of this please answer. thanks for your help!
Other - United States - 1 Answers
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Here is everything you need to know........ http://www.columbus.worldweb.com/ Columbus, Ohio has fine food.
My boyfriend and i may be moving to columbus ohio so that he can go to law school at capital university. im just trying to get an idea of where it is safe and not safe. nice parts, things to do, cost to rent, surrounding areas to consider for living, yadda yadda. if you know any of this please answer. thanks for your help!
Other - United States - 1 Answers
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Here is everything you need to know........ http://www.columbus.worldweb.com/ Columbus, Ohio has fine food.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
where to live in columbus ohio?
where to live in columbus ohio?
im looking for a nice suburban like place in columbus ohio to start a family and a small business. im looking for good schools, access to the city, and reasonable to low housing costs. know some good places?
Cincinnati - 2 Answers
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See article called "Best place to live in Columbus" on http://www.summaryworld.com/home-and-garden/best-place-to-live-in-columbus-ohio.
try gahanna
im looking for a nice suburban like place in columbus ohio to start a family and a small business. im looking for good schools, access to the city, and reasonable to low housing costs. know some good places?
Cincinnati - 2 Answers
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See article called "Best place to live in Columbus" on http://www.summaryworld.com/home-and-garden/best-place-to-live-in-columbus-ohio.
try gahanna
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Where in Columbus, OH area are best for schools and reasonably priced?
Where in Columbus, OH area are best for schools and reasonably priced?
I am looking into areas within columbus, ohio for possibly moving myself and my 4 year old. Schools system and cost being big issues. I may or may not be able to convince a local friend to come and kinda be a housemate to help share the cost. Anyone has recommendations for areas of around columbus well known for schools but without breaking the bank?
Other - United States - 3 Answers
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I live 65 miles north of Columbus. the cost of living would be less in a smaller town. Lots of houses for sale here,but jobs are scarce.
Grandview Heights is a great little suburb only a couple of miles from downtown, and there are some very reasonably priced homes there. The schools are great - personal attention and small classes and all that, and it's just a very pleasant place to live.
Upper Arlington has good schools, but is pretty pricey. Same with New Albany. You might want to check out Westerville, Worthington and Dublin. All have good solid schools, but you might be able to slide into some of those neigborhoods without breaking the bank. http://ColumbusWebDirectory.com
I am looking into areas within columbus, ohio for possibly moving myself and my 4 year old. Schools system and cost being big issues. I may or may not be able to convince a local friend to come and kinda be a housemate to help share the cost. Anyone has recommendations for areas of around columbus well known for schools but without breaking the bank?
Other - United States - 3 Answers
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I live 65 miles north of Columbus. the cost of living would be less in a smaller town. Lots of houses for sale here,but jobs are scarce.
Grandview Heights is a great little suburb only a couple of miles from downtown, and there are some very reasonably priced homes there. The schools are great - personal attention and small classes and all that, and it's just a very pleasant place to live.
Upper Arlington has good schools, but is pretty pricey. Same with New Albany. You might want to check out Westerville, Worthington and Dublin. All have good solid schools, but you might be able to slide into some of those neigborhoods without breaking the bank. http://ColumbusWebDirectory.com
Friday, June 10, 2011
Columbus Ohio...info about the area
Columbus Ohio...info about the area?
I graduate in May with a bachelors in health studies. I plan on moving to or near Columbus Ohio shortly after to attend nursing school to become an RN. But the thing is that Im a single parent with 2 kids so obviously I have to work while I attend nursing school. So my question is what is the cost of living like in the Columbus area? Like the prices of apartments? Safe areas to live, decent schools and daycares? And the abundance of jobs in the area? Oh and I plan to do some of my degree online but OBVIOUSLY I have to do my clinicals and hands on training in Columbus, so areas around Columbus to live would be nice to know as well. Thanks! LOL...I actually live in Michigan. Born and raised here so of course the weather is not a problem to me, if your from the north the weather doesnt even phase you...
Other - United States - 1 Answers
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Congratulations on your future graduation! I wish you the best for you and your family. You may want to do more research on the area you plan to move to. Unless you have other advantages/reasons for moving to Columbus, such as family, etc., you may be better off in the long run to move to another city in the US to cointinue your studies. Columbus, Ohio, and the Midwest region of the country in general, have been facing major and continuing job losses, and while nursing may be a relatively stable career, you may want to consider moving to a city that has a more diverse economy, and therefore, a lower overall unemployment rate, and future job growth and expansion. Ohio has lost population for decades, and they have recently been among the highest states in rates of foreclosure. There is more to Columbus than a job: it's weather can be depressing during the winter, with gray skies and freezing temperatures daily, and once it snows, the snow generally lingers for two months or more. You will learn the true meaning of "cabin fever" if you live in Columbus for any length of time. While I enjoyed many things about living in the Columbus area, I was a native of the South, and I dont know if that is why I never felt welcome there. The culture is different, less friendly (I gave it 10 years!) than in the South, although I must say that in Cincinnati, the culture is a bit more southern. I loved the history of Ohio, and explored many places while there. Traditions in Columbus include THE Ohio State University and the Buckeyes, and wearing Scarlet and Gray is an unspoken requirement if you ever want to have a chance of being accepted. Buckeye football is a topic of discussion 24/7/365. To answer some of your questions: So my question is what is the cost of living like in the Columbus area? Like the prices of apartments? It depends on what part of the city you live. I paid ranges from $550. to 650 the last year I lived there (2007). http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/QTTable?_bm=y&-geo_id=04000US39&-qr_name=DEC_2000_SF3_U_DP4&-ds_name=DEC_2000_SF3_U&-redoLog=false Safe areas to live, decent schools and daycares? The northern suburbs have good school districts, but are also more expensive to live in. Dublin, Delaware, Westerville. Upper Arlington is more expensive. And the abundance of jobs in the area? Daily news reports of another company closing, jobs being lost, etc., was very depressing, (along with the weather), and was a major determinant in my decision to relocate. Michigan ("That State Up North"), has lost many jobs, and consider that Ohio's employment rate may be affected by the influx of Michiganers coming to look for work in OH. Overall, I loved the years that I lived in Ohio, and while it didnt work out exactly as I would have liked, I learned so much and am grateful for having had the opportunity and experience. I learned how to pack up and move and relocate to any other place, and make a life in a new place, among other things. If you are looking to settle in and stay for the rest of your life, another city that has a more promising future, stable economy, etc., would be a better choice in the long run. Some links you may want to use for research: US Census Bureau - Ohio information: http://www.census.gov/census2000/states/oh.html Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services: http://jfs.ohio.gov/releases/ The Columbus Dispatch newspaper: http://dispatch.com/live/content/index.html Other links: http://www-agecon.ag.ohio-state.edu/programs/exurbs/growthandchange/statestory.htm http://ohio.sierraclub.org/sprawl/downcount.pdf
I graduate in May with a bachelors in health studies. I plan on moving to or near Columbus Ohio shortly after to attend nursing school to become an RN. But the thing is that Im a single parent with 2 kids so obviously I have to work while I attend nursing school. So my question is what is the cost of living like in the Columbus area? Like the prices of apartments? Safe areas to live, decent schools and daycares? And the abundance of jobs in the area? Oh and I plan to do some of my degree online but OBVIOUSLY I have to do my clinicals and hands on training in Columbus, so areas around Columbus to live would be nice to know as well. Thanks! LOL...I actually live in Michigan. Born and raised here so of course the weather is not a problem to me, if your from the north the weather doesnt even phase you...
Other - United States - 1 Answers
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Congratulations on your future graduation! I wish you the best for you and your family. You may want to do more research on the area you plan to move to. Unless you have other advantages/reasons for moving to Columbus, such as family, etc., you may be better off in the long run to move to another city in the US to cointinue your studies. Columbus, Ohio, and the Midwest region of the country in general, have been facing major and continuing job losses, and while nursing may be a relatively stable career, you may want to consider moving to a city that has a more diverse economy, and therefore, a lower overall unemployment rate, and future job growth and expansion. Ohio has lost population for decades, and they have recently been among the highest states in rates of foreclosure. There is more to Columbus than a job: it's weather can be depressing during the winter, with gray skies and freezing temperatures daily, and once it snows, the snow generally lingers for two months or more. You will learn the true meaning of "cabin fever" if you live in Columbus for any length of time. While I enjoyed many things about living in the Columbus area, I was a native of the South, and I dont know if that is why I never felt welcome there. The culture is different, less friendly (I gave it 10 years!) than in the South, although I must say that in Cincinnati, the culture is a bit more southern. I loved the history of Ohio, and explored many places while there. Traditions in Columbus include THE Ohio State University and the Buckeyes, and wearing Scarlet and Gray is an unspoken requirement if you ever want to have a chance of being accepted. Buckeye football is a topic of discussion 24/7/365. To answer some of your questions: So my question is what is the cost of living like in the Columbus area? Like the prices of apartments? It depends on what part of the city you live. I paid ranges from $550. to 650 the last year I lived there (2007). http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/QTTable?_bm=y&-geo_id=04000US39&-qr_name=DEC_2000_SF3_U_DP4&-ds_name=DEC_2000_SF3_U&-redoLog=false Safe areas to live, decent schools and daycares? The northern suburbs have good school districts, but are also more expensive to live in. Dublin, Delaware, Westerville. Upper Arlington is more expensive. And the abundance of jobs in the area? Daily news reports of another company closing, jobs being lost, etc., was very depressing, (along with the weather), and was a major determinant in my decision to relocate. Michigan ("That State Up North"), has lost many jobs, and consider that Ohio's employment rate may be affected by the influx of Michiganers coming to look for work in OH. Overall, I loved the years that I lived in Ohio, and while it didnt work out exactly as I would have liked, I learned so much and am grateful for having had the opportunity and experience. I learned how to pack up and move and relocate to any other place, and make a life in a new place, among other things. If you are looking to settle in and stay for the rest of your life, another city that has a more promising future, stable economy, etc., would be a better choice in the long run. Some links you may want to use for research: US Census Bureau - Ohio information: http://www.census.gov/census2000/states/oh.html Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services: http://jfs.ohio.gov/releases/ The Columbus Dispatch newspaper: http://dispatch.com/live/content/index.html Other links: http://www-agecon.ag.ohio-state.edu/programs/exurbs/growthandchange/statestory.htm http://ohio.sierraclub.org/sprawl/downcount.pdf
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Local work from home opportunities in Columbus, Ohio?
Local work from home opportunities in Columbus, Ohio?
Hello, I am looking for companies in Columbus, Ohio that offer work from/at home opportunities. I'm in school and I need the convience but I want to deal with local comanies only. If you have any information, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank You
Other - US Local Businesses - 3 Answers
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If you are interested in health products, I have an opportunity for you. And there is a rep in Columbus who could work directly with you. Contact me through my profile and we can talk more about it.
There is renown USA company that deals with internet education. Its super affiliate program has attracted thousands from various parts of the world. The info you need is just a click away.
There are many ways to work with BeautiControl. They train you to have Spa parties in which you can customize skincare the guests, sell spa/body products and cosmetics. They also train you to determine peoples "seasons" and which colors are best for them both in wardrobe and cosmetics, with make-up application techniques. Another route is being Bridal consultant, they supply everything you need to help brides with there big day, regarding dress type, hair style & veil choice, skincare, make-up and relaxation techniques. Another option is going in to businesses and having mini stress breaks. I have hosted parties at my house, gone to peoples houses and hosted parties for them, gone into businesses for the stress breaks and now I use the products with my massage clients. The products are wonderful and they sell themselves. I am pretty new to BC, but so far I love it. I joined for the skincare because I had heard wonderful things about it, and because to remain a consultant and receive the discount on the skincare you just have to place a $100 retail order every 3 months. (minus discount). Now I am building a business for myself, so I can stay at home with my little girl, she is one month old. BC supplies everything to start your own business. All for $99, what an opportunity! It's usually $250 to join and receive over $500 in products but this month it's $99! If you are interested, email me or check out my site listed below in sources. Good Luck! Barbie 1029211
Hello, I am looking for companies in Columbus, Ohio that offer work from/at home opportunities. I'm in school and I need the convience but I want to deal with local comanies only. If you have any information, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank You
Other - US Local Businesses - 3 Answers
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If you are interested in health products, I have an opportunity for you. And there is a rep in Columbus who could work directly with you. Contact me through my profile and we can talk more about it.
There is renown USA company that deals with internet education. Its super affiliate program has attracted thousands from various parts of the world. The info you need is just a click away.
There are many ways to work with BeautiControl. They train you to have Spa parties in which you can customize skincare the guests, sell spa/body products and cosmetics. They also train you to determine peoples "seasons" and which colors are best for them both in wardrobe and cosmetics, with make-up application techniques. Another route is being Bridal consultant, they supply everything you need to help brides with there big day, regarding dress type, hair style & veil choice, skincare, make-up and relaxation techniques. Another option is going in to businesses and having mini stress breaks. I have hosted parties at my house, gone to peoples houses and hosted parties for them, gone into businesses for the stress breaks and now I use the products with my massage clients. The products are wonderful and they sell themselves. I am pretty new to BC, but so far I love it. I joined for the skincare because I had heard wonderful things about it, and because to remain a consultant and receive the discount on the skincare you just have to place a $100 retail order every 3 months. (minus discount). Now I am building a business for myself, so I can stay at home with my little girl, she is one month old. BC supplies everything to start your own business. All for $99, what an opportunity! It's usually $250 to join and receive over $500 in products but this month it's $99! If you are interested, email me or check out my site listed below in sources. Good Luck! Barbie 1029211
Monday, June 6, 2011
What is the exact school supplies list for Yorktown elementry!?
What is the exact school supplies list for Yorktown elementry!?
Not just a middle school but the school supplies list for a 6th grader in columbus ohio going to Yorktown middle school!Be specific exactly!
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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I don't know but their website is teh suck!
Not just a middle school but the school supplies list for a 6th grader in columbus ohio going to Yorktown middle school!Be specific exactly!
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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I don't know but their website is teh suck!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Thinking of returning to Columbus, Ohio after teaching in Korea - good idea?
Thinking of returning to Columbus, Ohio after teaching in Korea - good idea?
I was born and raised in Columbus - went to Ohio Dominican, got a BA in Communications, and later a Masters in TESOL. However, most of my family is deceased now. I like the city and know it still has some growth compared to the rest of Ohio, but I am not a licensed teacher. I have been teaching in Korea for nearly two years and will return for a visit in February. I would permanently return in November 2007. How do you like Columbus, and what attracts you to it? I am not sure what I would be doing there as I would not be teaching in the schools, but I am open to opportunities. Just tell me what you like and dislike about Columbus. I appreciate all answers. Thanks!
Other - United States - 3 Answers
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Food in Korea is much better! stay there :)
Drew, I came to Columbus in 1988 for school. I am still here and will probably be here for a long time. Columbus has that small town feel with a big city appeal. I have seen a lot of growth since moving here. The suburbs have developed some fantastic school districts. The city life is OK and shopping is good. If you like golf, you will love Columbus. It is now the biggest city in Ohio and rivals (if not exceeds) other cities like Pittsburgh and Indianapolis in population. Crime seems to be a relative non-issue and unemployment is very low. Being a government city as well as a College city, you get a good mixture of jobs and people. You could certainly do worse than Columbus----like Cleveland! ; - ) Good luck!
i am not really sure...i live two hours away from it though...down south..and sort of east.....i like it overall
I was born and raised in Columbus - went to Ohio Dominican, got a BA in Communications, and later a Masters in TESOL. However, most of my family is deceased now. I like the city and know it still has some growth compared to the rest of Ohio, but I am not a licensed teacher. I have been teaching in Korea for nearly two years and will return for a visit in February. I would permanently return in November 2007. How do you like Columbus, and what attracts you to it? I am not sure what I would be doing there as I would not be teaching in the schools, but I am open to opportunities. Just tell me what you like and dislike about Columbus. I appreciate all answers. Thanks!
Other - United States - 3 Answers
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Food in Korea is much better! stay there :)
Drew, I came to Columbus in 1988 for school. I am still here and will probably be here for a long time. Columbus has that small town feel with a big city appeal. I have seen a lot of growth since moving here. The suburbs have developed some fantastic school districts. The city life is OK and shopping is good. If you like golf, you will love Columbus. It is now the biggest city in Ohio and rivals (if not exceeds) other cities like Pittsburgh and Indianapolis in population. Crime seems to be a relative non-issue and unemployment is very low. Being a government city as well as a College city, you get a good mixture of jobs and people. You could certainly do worse than Columbus----like Cleveland! ; - ) Good luck!
i am not really sure...i live two hours away from it though...down south..and sort of east.....i like it overall
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Cosmetology Schools in/around columbus ohio..?
Cosmetology Schools in/around columbus ohio..?
ive been researching into a lot of schools but which is the best for hair and possibly makeup and also offers the most out of financial aid(pell grant, individual scholarships, etc)?..i just recently moved here into a family members home and dont have a job or car yet, she cant afford to pay anything for me to go to college and neither can my mom so i will be needed ALOT of financial aid. Thanks in advance!
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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I highly suggest The Ohio Academy ( a Paul Mitchell Partner School). This is a great school with a fun atmosphere and exciting classes. They also have available financial aid. Take a tour of the school, that will help you see if you like it there :)
ive been researching into a lot of schools but which is the best for hair and possibly makeup and also offers the most out of financial aid(pell grant, individual scholarships, etc)?..i just recently moved here into a family members home and dont have a job or car yet, she cant afford to pay anything for me to go to college and neither can my mom so i will be needed ALOT of financial aid. Thanks in advance!
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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I highly suggest The Ohio Academy ( a Paul Mitchell Partner School). This is a great school with a fun atmosphere and exciting classes. They also have available financial aid. Take a tour of the school, that will help you see if you like it there :)
Monday, May 30, 2011
I am thinking of moving to virginia beach or columbus ohio need more info about them?
I am thinking of moving to virginia beach or columbus ohio need more info about them?
I am a single mom of three teenage children and looking for good schools and good communities as well as I am a healthcare professional living from paycheck to paychek so I would want to stay in the medical field
Other - Destinations - 2 Answers
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http://www.city-data.com/city/Virginia-Beach-Virginia.html http://money.cnn.com/magazines/moneymag/bplive/2006/snapshots/PL5182000.html http://swz.salary.com/CostOflivingwizard/layouthtmls/coll_metrodetail_190.html http://www.discoverourtown.com/VA/Virginia%20Beach/Relocation-290.html http://www.city-data.com/city/Columbus-Ohio.html http://money.cnn.com/magazines/moneymag/bplive/2006/snapshots/PL3918000.html http://columbusoh.about.com/cs/homeandliving/a/relocation.htm http://columbus.jobnewsusa.com/job/G618P615N615Z636K615W615.aspx http://www.spyfu.com/Term.aspx?t=336737 http://www.columbus.org/chamber/news.aspx?nid=79&yr=2006
I have lived in Vb for about 30 years but have only passed through Ohio 1x so my info is limited. I do know there are many many places where you'd be very welcome as an experienced proffessional around here. As with most places I imagine there are good neighbor hoods and bad ones. If you want I can give you an opinion on certain places if you find something interesting. Some of the realtors and apartment places will either flat out tell you they cant tell you about it or they glaze it over. Which makes me angry because all 3 of my kids are still little and I'm alone at the house during the day.
I am a single mom of three teenage children and looking for good schools and good communities as well as I am a healthcare professional living from paycheck to paychek so I would want to stay in the medical field
Other - Destinations - 2 Answers
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http://www.city-data.com/city/Virginia-Beach-Virginia.html http://money.cnn.com/magazines/moneymag/bplive/2006/snapshots/PL5182000.html http://swz.salary.com/CostOflivingwizard/layouthtmls/coll_metrodetail_190.html http://www.discoverourtown.com/VA/Virginia%20Beach/Relocation-290.html http://www.city-data.com/city/Columbus-Ohio.html http://money.cnn.com/magazines/moneymag/bplive/2006/snapshots/PL3918000.html http://columbusoh.about.com/cs/homeandliving/a/relocation.htm http://columbus.jobnewsusa.com/job/G618P615N615Z636K615W615.aspx http://www.spyfu.com/Term.aspx?t=336737 http://www.columbus.org/chamber/news.aspx?nid=79&yr=2006
I have lived in Vb for about 30 years but have only passed through Ohio 1x so my info is limited. I do know there are many many places where you'd be very welcome as an experienced proffessional around here. As with most places I imagine there are good neighbor hoods and bad ones. If you want I can give you an opinion on certain places if you find something interesting. Some of the realtors and apartment places will either flat out tell you they cant tell you about it or they glaze it over. Which makes me angry because all 3 of my kids are still little and I'm alone at the house during the day.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Community College in Senior Year of High school?
Community College in Senior Year of High school?
I am currently a sophomore in a high school in columbus, ohio. And for my senior year of high school, I plan to transfer to Columbus state community college to get my math, and english credits out of the way for college. Can someone explain to me how this works, and do you have to have a certain g.p.a for this to happen? My current g.p.a. is 3.0
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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The best place to find out would be to contact the Community College and find out their particular policies, though you can generally co-enroll as long as you're a senior. The main thing you'll want to find out though is if the community college credits are transferable to a university, if that's where you intend to go. Also, when you first get to college, they will look at you SAT math and english scores and place you in an appropriate class regardless of the classes you take in high school. For example, you may take Calculus AP, but get placed in Math 127, pre-calc. Get all your information first and don't take classes they may end up being worth nothing towards your graduation.
alex l, Try asking a student for advice. http://www.onlinehighschoolreviews.com/Ohio-High-Schools.html
I am currently a sophomore in a high school in columbus, ohio. And for my senior year of high school, I plan to transfer to Columbus state community college to get my math, and english credits out of the way for college. Can someone explain to me how this works, and do you have to have a certain g.p.a for this to happen? My current g.p.a. is 3.0
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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The best place to find out would be to contact the Community College and find out their particular policies, though you can generally co-enroll as long as you're a senior. The main thing you'll want to find out though is if the community college credits are transferable to a university, if that's where you intend to go. Also, when you first get to college, they will look at you SAT math and english scores and place you in an appropriate class regardless of the classes you take in high school. For example, you may take Calculus AP, but get placed in Math 127, pre-calc. Get all your information first and don't take classes they may end up being worth nothing towards your graduation.
alex l, Try asking a student for advice. http://www.onlinehighschoolreviews.com/Ohio-High-Schools.html
Thursday, May 26, 2011
I attend Columbus City Schools (Columbus, Ohio) is there any proxy sites unblocked?
I attend Columbus City Schools (Columbus, Ohio) is there any proxy sites unblocked?
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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Here's a free proxy created today: http://googleann.com -Unblock ANY Website -watch youtube videos -download up to 50 MB -hide you IP and stay anonymous -Fast and hosted on a dedicated server I get new proxies here everyday: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/NewFastWorkingProxies/
Try these................ http://upsee.tk/ http://tacs.tk/ http://lopp.tk/ http://aolo.tk/ http://ight.tk/ http://hipu.tk/ Get fresh ones from ................ http://twitter.com/proxsurf
Yes! These freshly released proxies really works! http://www.anonxy.com http://www.australiaproxy.com
You can try one of the links below. They're pretty new so they should work in most places, they work with facebook, myspace and youtube and have no download limits. http://greatestproxy.info/ http://hiddenwww.info/ http://freeproxynet.info/ http://theinternetproxy.info/ You can also bookmark http://centralxy.com That site puts up 4 new, original and fresh proxies every week It also has anonymous email addresses to keep you even safer and more more hidden on the net.
Other - Education - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Here's a free proxy created today: http://googleann.com -Unblock ANY Website -watch youtube videos -download up to 50 MB -hide you IP and stay anonymous -Fast and hosted on a dedicated server I get new proxies here everyday: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/NewFastWorkingProxies/
Try these................ http://upsee.tk/ http://tacs.tk/ http://lopp.tk/ http://aolo.tk/ http://ight.tk/ http://hipu.tk/ Get fresh ones from ................ http://twitter.com/proxsurf
Yes! These freshly released proxies really works! http://www.anonxy.com http://www.australiaproxy.com
You can try one of the links below. They're pretty new so they should work in most places, they work with facebook, myspace and youtube and have no download limits. http://greatestproxy.info/ http://hiddenwww.info/ http://freeproxynet.info/ http://theinternetproxy.info/ You can also bookmark http://centralxy.com That site puts up 4 new, original and fresh proxies every week It also has anonymous email addresses to keep you even safer and more more hidden on the net.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Where can I get a background check done for less than ten dollars in Franklin County Columbus Ohio?
Where can I get a background check done for less than ten dollars in Franklin County Columbus Ohio?
I am an education major and I need a background check done before I can start going to schools and doing my field studies. Please help! I need to get this done ASAP
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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I only know of one that is under $10.. it is actually only $4.95. But only because they are running an introductory offer to new customers. They provide unlimited background checks and will allow you 4 days of unlimited searching for only $4.95. You can read a review of this offer at http://www.CompleteReviews.net/unlimitedsearch.html Good luck with your education! It is the best thing you can do with your life... well, one of the best.
I am an education major and I need a background check done before I can start going to schools and doing my field studies. Please help! I need to get this done ASAP
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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I only know of one that is under $10.. it is actually only $4.95. But only because they are running an introductory offer to new customers. They provide unlimited background checks and will allow you 4 days of unlimited searching for only $4.95. You can read a review of this offer at http://www.CompleteReviews.net/unlimitedsearch.html Good luck with your education! It is the best thing you can do with your life... well, one of the best.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Are there any places to pole vault during the winter in Columbus, Ohio.?
Are there any places to pole vault during the winter in Columbus, Ohio.?
I vaulted for two months for the first time this past spring for my high school. I wanna get better during the winter so I want to find I place where I can practice. It's alright if I have to pay. Any suggestions?
Other - Sports - 1 Answers
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Try OSU... I think.
I vaulted for two months for the first time this past spring for my high school. I wanna get better during the winter so I want to find I place where I can practice. It's alright if I have to pay. Any suggestions?
Other - Sports - 1 Answers
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Try OSU... I think.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Where is a nice neighborhood in Columbus, Ohio that is within 15-20 minutes of OSU's campus?
Where is a nice neighborhood in Columbus, Ohio that is within 15-20 minutes of OSU's campus?
I plan on moving there this spring to go to grad school in the fall, but want to make sure I live in a nice area. But one that isn't too far off campus. Just to clarify I'm talking about a 15-20 minute drive. I'm not sure if that still means I have to live in the ghetto or not... lol
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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You're gonna have to live in the ghetto if you want to be that close.
It depends on what kind of budget you have, but the general rule is to stay west of High Street (the eastern border of campus). You're even better off staying west of highway 315, but there are still some nice neighborhoods between the two roads to the south of campus (Victorian Village and Short North). You may want to check out Grandview or Upper Arlington, or the southeastern section of Dublin (inside the I-270 loop). There are also some decent areas in Columbus proper in the same general area.
I plan on moving there this spring to go to grad school in the fall, but want to make sure I live in a nice area. But one that isn't too far off campus. Just to clarify I'm talking about a 15-20 minute drive. I'm not sure if that still means I have to live in the ghetto or not... lol
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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You're gonna have to live in the ghetto if you want to be that close.
It depends on what kind of budget you have, but the general rule is to stay west of High Street (the eastern border of campus). You're even better off staying west of highway 315, but there are still some nice neighborhoods between the two roads to the south of campus (Victorian Village and Short North). You may want to check out Grandview or Upper Arlington, or the southeastern section of Dublin (inside the I-270 loop). There are also some decent areas in Columbus proper in the same general area.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Does anyone know of any choirs in Columbus, Ohio open to the public?
Does anyone know of any choirs in Columbus, Ohio open to the public?
Ok, when i was in regular school I was in choir, and had been since like 6th or 7th grade and now that im out of it, i need to get back into one... hmm not so much as need... more like REALLY want to. I miss singing in the choir so much. lol. So anyones help would be very appreciated. Thanx!!
Performing Arts - 3 Answers
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Most churches have choirs.
Assuming you don't prefer a particular brand of religion, you might put a call in to Columbus State Community College to ask about their music opportunities. Another option might be a Unitarian-Universalist congregation--they don't care what you believe specifically, it's an inclusive kind of religion. You might also ask at music stores where voice lessons are offered--the teachers could have insights into community choirs.
Otterbein has a full children's/youth choral program. Also, you might thry the Columbus International Children's Choir. Both are very strong programs.
Ok, when i was in regular school I was in choir, and had been since like 6th or 7th grade and now that im out of it, i need to get back into one... hmm not so much as need... more like REALLY want to. I miss singing in the choir so much. lol. So anyones help would be very appreciated. Thanx!!
Performing Arts - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Most churches have choirs.
Assuming you don't prefer a particular brand of religion, you might put a call in to Columbus State Community College to ask about their music opportunities. Another option might be a Unitarian-Universalist congregation--they don't care what you believe specifically, it's an inclusive kind of religion. You might also ask at music stores where voice lessons are offered--the teachers could have insights into community choirs.
Otterbein has a full children's/youth choral program. Also, you might thry the Columbus International Children's Choir. Both are very strong programs.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Does anyone know a place that will buy books in columbus ohio?
Does anyone know a place that will buy books in columbus ohio?
I have high school and college books I need to get rid of. I want to sell them somewhere besides on line? any ideas? Serious answers only please!
Other - Local Businesses - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
try the college bookstores on High
I have high school and college books I need to get rid of. I want to sell them somewhere besides on line? any ideas? Serious answers only please!
Other - Local Businesses - 1 Answers
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try the college bookstores on High
Saturday, May 14, 2011
I am looking for help in the Columbus, Ohio area! I need a program that will provide mentoring...?
I am looking for help in the Columbus, Ohio area! I need a program that will provide mentoring...?
and/or after school activities for a 15-1/2 year old boy. I have contacted a few on my own, but am looking for more input. Here's what I have contacted: Big Brothers Simba Circles through FCCS Africentric Personal Development Groups National Black MBA Association Any help is appreciated! Thanks.
Community Service - 3 Answers
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Ohio is for lovers!! I <3 Columbus! The YMCA?
Try volunteer work at the hospital. The children's hospital is always looking for help. Also there is a Columbus website for volunteering, just search for volunteer in Columbus, Ohio and many different ideas should come up.
Search on www.idealist.org Search Results Organizations in Columbus Ohio concerning Children and Youth 58 results found Oh - and about volunteer opportunities someone else mentioned - Volunteer Opportunities in Columbus Ohio United States 41 results found
and/or after school activities for a 15-1/2 year old boy. I have contacted a few on my own, but am looking for more input. Here's what I have contacted: Big Brothers Simba Circles through FCCS Africentric Personal Development Groups National Black MBA Association Any help is appreciated! Thanks.
Community Service - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Ohio is for lovers!! I <3 Columbus! The YMCA?
Try volunteer work at the hospital. The children's hospital is always looking for help. Also there is a Columbus website for volunteering, just search for volunteer in Columbus, Ohio and many different ideas should come up.
Search on www.idealist.org Search Results Organizations in Columbus Ohio concerning Children and Youth 58 results found Oh - and about volunteer opportunities someone else mentioned - Volunteer Opportunities in Columbus Ohio United States 41 results found
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Has anybody ever went to Columbus Public High Schools in Ohio before and what did you think of them?
Has anybody ever went to Columbus Public High Schools in Ohio before and what did you think of them?
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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Never been.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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Never been.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Ohio elementary school field trip ideas?
Ohio elementary school field trip ideas?
I am trying to to put together a packet of information about different places to take elementary classes in Ohio. I have already added the various zoos, COSI, and the conservatory in Columbus. I would like to get about ten more ideas. Field trips ideas around Columbus are preferred but others are acceptable...especially if they are really good. Anybody have any good ideas?
Teaching - 1 Answers
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Any history museum. The public library. Any children's theater I remember visiting a bread factory in Illinois. In Oregon, I think we have a dairy that does tours for schools. Are their businesses that encourage tours for elementary students? Do any of your TV stations allow field trips? I think in Portland I hear the meteorologists talk about their talks with students. Are there other cultures that encourage tours? In Washington, one of the tribes offers a tour. Good luck.
I am trying to to put together a packet of information about different places to take elementary classes in Ohio. I have already added the various zoos, COSI, and the conservatory in Columbus. I would like to get about ten more ideas. Field trips ideas around Columbus are preferred but others are acceptable...especially if they are really good. Anybody have any good ideas?
Teaching - 1 Answers
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Any history museum. The public library. Any children's theater I remember visiting a bread factory in Illinois. In Oregon, I think we have a dairy that does tours for schools. Are their businesses that encourage tours for elementary students? Do any of your TV stations allow field trips? I think in Portland I hear the meteorologists talk about their talks with students. Are there other cultures that encourage tours? In Washington, one of the tribes offers a tour. Good luck.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Good part-time jobs in Columbus, Ohio? Know of any good $ makers?
Good part-time jobs in Columbus, Ohio? Know of any good $ makers?
Just checking to see if there is anything else out there. I work full time Monday through Friday 8am-5pm and go to school part-time. Wondered if there were any part-time jobs out there that you knew of that were legit or just good extra money.
Community Service - 1 Answers
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Mary Kay Avon Tupperware
Just checking to see if there is anything else out there. I work full time Monday through Friday 8am-5pm and go to school part-time. Wondered if there were any part-time jobs out there that you knew of that were legit or just good extra money.
Community Service - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Mary Kay Avon Tupperware
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Where can I find training for ultrasound tech/medical sonographer in columbus, ohio?
Where can I find training for ultrasound tech/medical sonographer in columbus, ohio?
I've been searching for hours and can't find a single school in columbus, only other cities in ohio. Please help! Also, I have a very low high school g.p.a. Will they let me in?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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I couldn't find one in Columbus either. Here's a link to the Accredited schools. Make sure you only attend an Accredited school, there are private schools that will take your money but once you graduate you are not eligible to sit for for the registry.Good luck!
I've been searching for hours and can't find a single school in columbus, only other cities in ohio. Please help! Also, I have a very low high school g.p.a. Will they let me in?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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I couldn't find one in Columbus either. Here's a link to the Accredited schools. Make sure you only attend an Accredited school, there are private schools that will take your money but once you graduate you are not eligible to sit for for the registry.Good luck!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Graduating high school, going to a Vet college in Columbus, I need some advice.?
Graduating high school, going to a Vet college in Columbus, I need some advice.?
Im a senior from north-west Ohio and im graduating come May 31st. Ive made my choice in what i want to do and be in life. My career goals include attending this wondeful Veterinary Technician School in Columbus, Ohio (Bradford) and then eventually going back to school to obtain a my VMD. Ive checked out the school many times and I love it! My program will take 1 1/2 - 2 yrs. I have been thinking about living on campus, but i really hate the idea of living with 3 other girls and not have my own room. I am a person who likes privacy. PLUS it would cost an extra $16,000 in tuition to live on campus. By not living on campus I will save that $16,000. BTW mommy and daddy arent paying for this lol. Ive been thinking: (1) about an online college. (2) about how long I should wait after high school to attend Bradford. (3) about finding an apartment closer to Columbus and the cost- utilities ect... (4) about transferring my job location to Columbus (currently work at a Red Lobster)
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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I have some questions and comments: - where would you live if not on-campus? If you can't commute from home, you will pay at least that much. - it's good that you checked out the Bradford school. However, some to many of those credits will not transfer to a pre-vet program--have you investigated how many would actually transfer? The Vet tech program is called applied science, which means it isn't as rigorous a program as a regular pre-vet program would be. - check with your local community and senior colleges about online programs. Don't do a for-profit online program as vet schools will probably not accept the degree or the credits. - check the Columbus Craigslist page for ideas on sharing a house off-campus in an area near the school. Unless it's very close, you would also need a car or have access to public transportation. You might find that the on-campus situation is quite a bit cheaper. - You could take off before attending Bradford, but I would have a definite purpose in having a "gap year". Also remember that your parents need to fill out your financial aid application form, not just you. Any money you earn in that gap year will count against you for FA purposes. One idea would be to work in AmeriCorps for nine months. You would work somewhere in the country on social projects, and would receive a $4,500 scholarship toward your college upon completion of the program. A good deal! - If you are a good employee at Red Lobster, they would probably help you transfer to Columbus. Remember though, that means you would probably need a car if you work off-campus. Figure that in your budgeting. Is $16,000 for 12 months or the whole program? That matters, too. You sound very motivated and goal-oriented! Congratulations, and I wish you the best in your decisions.
Don't do on-line if you can avoid it. Simply go down to your local CC and enrol. If you can enrol in HS then IMHO that will be even better. Take a standard pre med type sequence. Without a doubt this will be your cheapest option - CC subjects done at HS are usually free. Then transfer to your local state school (in your case Ohio state) to complete the final years of a professional degree in veterinary science: http://vet.osu.edu/home.htm They tel you the subjects you need to do to get in: http://www.vet.ohio-state.edu/2537.htm You can probably do all of them at a CC - but check with Ohio state first. The site is unclear if they will admit you without a BS. So you may need to contact them about it. Also that is for a professional doctorate in veterinary science. They have Masters programs as well. Best of luck Thanks Bill
Let's examine the pros and cons. This looks like an excellent program. However, if your long-term goal is to become a veteranarian, this might or might not be a good start. Almost none of the credits you earn in this program is likely to count toward further education--to get to be a vet, you'll need to get a bachelor's degree (with lots and lots of science and math) and then get accepted to a graduate program--your AAS degree courses won't go toward that bachelor's and certainly not toward the DVM program. That said, it's hideously difficult to get into a veterinary program. You'll need to have not only masterful GPA and entrance exam scores, but most vet colleges want you to have large-animal experience, and letters of recommendation from practicing vets are also quite helpful. If starting as a vet's tech would get you the experience and some recommendations, it could be the surest way. And you'll retain the option of just finishing out your career as a vet's tech and not worry about further education if you find it fulfilling. As for practical stuff; I wouldn't trust a vet tech who studied online, and probably few vets would either. You should start your higher education ASAP after high school, otherwise you'll find your academic skills shrinking. Living on campus might cost you $16K, but what would living off-campus cost? You'll want to be fairly close to the school considering where gasoline prices are heading. I've checked briefly some apartment ads in that part of Columbus and it looks like you'd be paying $400-700 per month, and if you shop well you should be able to get utilities included in those upper prices. Now, does the on-campus housing include food and laundry and such additional expenses? Seems to me that you'd pay over $1000 per month either way, so the greater privacy off-campus might be preferable. Note: you might be near the flight path for the airport, if noise is a concern--if not, lower prices might be found in that corridor. And there's a Red Lobster on that side of town, right near I-70, not too far of a drive (gas prices, again, right?).
Im a senior from north-west Ohio and im graduating come May 31st. Ive made my choice in what i want to do and be in life. My career goals include attending this wondeful Veterinary Technician School in Columbus, Ohio (Bradford) and then eventually going back to school to obtain a my VMD. Ive checked out the school many times and I love it! My program will take 1 1/2 - 2 yrs. I have been thinking about living on campus, but i really hate the idea of living with 3 other girls and not have my own room. I am a person who likes privacy. PLUS it would cost an extra $16,000 in tuition to live on campus. By not living on campus I will save that $16,000. BTW mommy and daddy arent paying for this lol. Ive been thinking: (1) about an online college. (2) about how long I should wait after high school to attend Bradford. (3) about finding an apartment closer to Columbus and the cost- utilities ect... (4) about transferring my job location to Columbus (currently work at a Red Lobster)
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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I have some questions and comments: - where would you live if not on-campus? If you can't commute from home, you will pay at least that much. - it's good that you checked out the Bradford school. However, some to many of those credits will not transfer to a pre-vet program--have you investigated how many would actually transfer? The Vet tech program is called applied science, which means it isn't as rigorous a program as a regular pre-vet program would be. - check with your local community and senior colleges about online programs. Don't do a for-profit online program as vet schools will probably not accept the degree or the credits. - check the Columbus Craigslist page for ideas on sharing a house off-campus in an area near the school. Unless it's very close, you would also need a car or have access to public transportation. You might find that the on-campus situation is quite a bit cheaper. - You could take off before attending Bradford, but I would have a definite purpose in having a "gap year". Also remember that your parents need to fill out your financial aid application form, not just you. Any money you earn in that gap year will count against you for FA purposes. One idea would be to work in AmeriCorps for nine months. You would work somewhere in the country on social projects, and would receive a $4,500 scholarship toward your college upon completion of the program. A good deal! - If you are a good employee at Red Lobster, they would probably help you transfer to Columbus. Remember though, that means you would probably need a car if you work off-campus. Figure that in your budgeting. Is $16,000 for 12 months or the whole program? That matters, too. You sound very motivated and goal-oriented! Congratulations, and I wish you the best in your decisions.
Don't do on-line if you can avoid it. Simply go down to your local CC and enrol. If you can enrol in HS then IMHO that will be even better. Take a standard pre med type sequence. Without a doubt this will be your cheapest option - CC subjects done at HS are usually free. Then transfer to your local state school (in your case Ohio state) to complete the final years of a professional degree in veterinary science: http://vet.osu.edu/home.htm They tel you the subjects you need to do to get in: http://www.vet.ohio-state.edu/2537.htm You can probably do all of them at a CC - but check with Ohio state first. The site is unclear if they will admit you without a BS. So you may need to contact them about it. Also that is for a professional doctorate in veterinary science. They have Masters programs as well. Best of luck Thanks Bill
Let's examine the pros and cons. This looks like an excellent program. However, if your long-term goal is to become a veteranarian, this might or might not be a good start. Almost none of the credits you earn in this program is likely to count toward further education--to get to be a vet, you'll need to get a bachelor's degree (with lots and lots of science and math) and then get accepted to a graduate program--your AAS degree courses won't go toward that bachelor's and certainly not toward the DVM program. That said, it's hideously difficult to get into a veterinary program. You'll need to have not only masterful GPA and entrance exam scores, but most vet colleges want you to have large-animal experience, and letters of recommendation from practicing vets are also quite helpful. If starting as a vet's tech would get you the experience and some recommendations, it could be the surest way. And you'll retain the option of just finishing out your career as a vet's tech and not worry about further education if you find it fulfilling. As for practical stuff; I wouldn't trust a vet tech who studied online, and probably few vets would either. You should start your higher education ASAP after high school, otherwise you'll find your academic skills shrinking. Living on campus might cost you $16K, but what would living off-campus cost? You'll want to be fairly close to the school considering where gasoline prices are heading. I've checked briefly some apartment ads in that part of Columbus and it looks like you'd be paying $400-700 per month, and if you shop well you should be able to get utilities included in those upper prices. Now, does the on-campus housing include food and laundry and such additional expenses? Seems to me that you'd pay over $1000 per month either way, so the greater privacy off-campus might be preferable. Note: you might be near the flight path for the airport, if noise is a concern--if not, lower prices might be found in that corridor. And there's a Red Lobster on that side of town, right near I-70, not too far of a drive (gas prices, again, right?).
Saturday, April 30, 2011
how can i get a high school diploma that is recognized by the marine corps.?
how can i get a high school diploma that is recognized by the marine corps.?
i need to get a diploma, perhaps online or something. but i am not currently enrolled in school and i need it before the summer ends. if you know of any online places where i can get a diploma, and not a GED, please let me know. the MArines do not accept GED so it must be a 100 percent diploma. matbe a school, somewhere in columbus, ohio? please let me know thanks alot. i just want to serve my country.
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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You don't say how old you are or when you dropped out of high school. At a certain point your only option is going to be a GED. You need to talk to your school district about if and how you can get a high school diploma. You can also ask at your public library-they can point you in the right direction to research on line or in the library If you just want to serve your country, then check into the other branches of the military
Go to your local community college. They will have programs that can earn you a high school diploma. Good Luck! And Thank You for serving our country by joining the marines!
i need to get a diploma, perhaps online or something. but i am not currently enrolled in school and i need it before the summer ends. if you know of any online places where i can get a diploma, and not a GED, please let me know. the MArines do not accept GED so it must be a 100 percent diploma. matbe a school, somewhere in columbus, ohio? please let me know thanks alot. i just want to serve my country.
Other - Education - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
You don't say how old you are or when you dropped out of high school. At a certain point your only option is going to be a GED. You need to talk to your school district about if and how you can get a high school diploma. You can also ask at your public library-they can point you in the right direction to research on line or in the library If you just want to serve your country, then check into the other branches of the military
Go to your local community college. They will have programs that can earn you a high school diploma. Good Luck! And Thank You for serving our country by joining the marines!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Where can I get a state ID in Columbus, Ohio?
Where can I get a state ID in Columbus, Ohio?
I really need to know how to get one because the guys at gamestop are dicksuckers. Im 17 and they wont take my fishing license and school ID... Anyone know where I can get a state ID?
Other - United States - 1 Answers
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At the DMV.
I really need to know how to get one because the guys at gamestop are dicksuckers. Im 17 and they wont take my fishing license and school ID... Anyone know where I can get a state ID?
Other - United States - 1 Answers
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At the DMV.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
How many miles between Columbus Ohio and New Delhi?
How many miles between Columbus Ohio and New Delhi? We are doing a school project and I have to find out how many miles if I am hitting the following cities. Pittsburg Penncilvania(sp?); Philadelphia, Pencilvania(sp?); New York City, New York; Ulaanbaastar, Mongolia; Beijing, China; Xian, China; Kunming, China; Bangkok, Thailand; Rangoon, Burma; Dhaka, Bangladesh; Kathmandu, Nepal; and fianally New Delhi, India. If you can help me please subract out the miles between New York and Ulaanbaastar. Thank you very much! Kisses! Other - Destinations - 1 Answers Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions : 1 You can use this site to get mileages from/to different cities. :) http://www.indo.com/distance/ |
Sunday, April 24, 2011
I would like to know if there are soccer tryouts in Columbus Ohio for August?
I would like to know if there are soccer tryouts in Columbus Ohio for August?
I would like to know this because I was planning on joining the school team but since a levy did not pass all sports and clubs are canceled
Other - Soccer - 1 Answers
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You would most likely have to find an indoor soccer team in the winter i would assume........... i'm not sure.
I would like to know this because I was planning on joining the school team but since a levy did not pass all sports and clubs are canceled
Other - Soccer - 1 Answers
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You would most likely have to find an indoor soccer team in the winter i would assume........... i'm not sure.
Friday, April 22, 2011
home schooling in Columbus Ohio??
home schooling in Columbus Ohio??
looking for a free home schooling in columbus. can any 1 help me?
Home Schooling - 4 Answers
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Check out Ohio Home Educators Network http://www.ohiohomeeducators.net/ There is a lot of info about homeschooling in Ohio there. Good luck :D
Here are some virtual school options in Ohio: http://www.k12.com/ohva/ http://www.vcslearn.org/ Here's some info about the pros and cons of online homeschooling: http://www.successful-homeschooling.com/computer-based-homeschooling.html Hope this helps!
I highly recommend OHVA: http://www.k12.com/ohva/ I use the same curriculum, K12, and LOVE it.
Hi there...why don't you check out the Yahoo Groups waldorfschoolonline I think that you will be enlightened, surprised and altogether pleased with this group of homeschoolers. It is a very uplifiting and informative site.
looking for a free home schooling in columbus. can any 1 help me?
Home Schooling - 4 Answers
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Check out Ohio Home Educators Network http://www.ohiohomeeducators.net/ There is a lot of info about homeschooling in Ohio there. Good luck :D
Here are some virtual school options in Ohio: http://www.k12.com/ohva/ http://www.vcslearn.org/ Here's some info about the pros and cons of online homeschooling: http://www.successful-homeschooling.com/computer-based-homeschooling.html Hope this helps!
I highly recommend OHVA: http://www.k12.com/ohva/ I use the same curriculum, K12, and LOVE it.
Hi there...why don't you check out the Yahoo Groups waldorfschoolonline I think that you will be enlightened, surprised and altogether pleased with this group of homeschoolers. It is a very uplifiting and informative site.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Bradford Schools or Columbus State Community College?
Bradford Schools or Columbus State Community College?
I want to go to college and take culinary arts. I've looked at a few colleges. I live in Bellefontaine, Ohio and want to go to school in Columbus, Ohio. What college would you prefer: Columbus Culinary Institute at Bradford Schools or Columbus State Community College?? Any answer will help??
Cooking & Recipes - 1 Answers
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Honestly, I don't know anything about any of the schools you mention here -- but perhaps I can offer you some information that will help you decide for yourself: First of all, I don't really believe in the idea that there's a 'best' school; the choice of the best culinary school is personal and the best school for you might not be the best school for someone else. So, my first piece of advice is that you consider carefully what you need to get out of your culinary school experience. What gaps in your knowledge are you looking to fill? Are you just looking for a piece of paper (you know, a diploma or a degree...) that attests to your skill in order to get your career started? Take the time to list out the things you need to get out of your experience and then go out to each of these schools and measure how they score on your own personal evaluation scale. If you're looking to launch your career and feel you need that diploma to get you started, then the reputation of the schools with the chefs you hope will hire you once you graduate will be at the top of your list. Go out and speak with chefs, HR people, etc. and ask them about the reputation of each of these schools. Most chefs are willing to help someone out that has a passion for this profession (I recommend you try to catch them in the morning around 11am or in the afternoon, after the lunch rush and before dinner -- respect their time!). Other things you should look into: The qualifications of the Instructors. How many years experience do they have? Is that experience in fine dining? or in more industrial sorts of operations? Ask about any awards or accolades. Also ask about their teaching experience and what kind of training the school provides them to keep them sharp and on top of the latest culinary trends. Ask about class sizes: many schools talk about their student teacher ratio because their classes are very large. Then they throw a few under-qualified 'Assistant Instructors' in the classroom to lower their ratio -- you want a school that limits the number of students in the kitchen classroom to 20 or less and you want to make sure that you'll be working with qualified Head Instructors, not 'assistants' or 'associates'. Inspect the facilities. Make sure they have enough equipment for the numbers of students they're teaching. Do the kitchens look new, clean and well-cared for? Definitely speak with at least a couple of students and recent graduates. Ask about their experiences at school: did they learn the sorts of things they expected to learn? was the teaching environment conducive to learning? did each student get plenty of hands-on experience or did they have to compete with their fellow classmates for their turn at the stove (every student should really cook every day, but at some schools they make some students watch while their classmates cook and take turns)? Ask graduates about their experiences after graduation. Did they get the sort of placement help they expected? Did they learn the things in school that their hiring chef expected them to know once they got on the job? Also interview the Chef Instructors. You will be counting on these people to teach you. You should probably like them and absolutely better respect them, their experience and their attitude towards cooking. In addition to placement rates and graduation rates, the schools should be able to tell you about where their graduates go to work. It would be worth your while to contact those hiring restaurants or hotels and confirm the school's claims. Also ask the the hiring chef their opinion of the quality of the program. It's a lot of homework to perform, but considering the investment of time and money you're about to make, it's worth the up-front investment. We hear from a lot of students that start in a program only to quit before they finish because it didn't turn out to be ask they expected. Don't make that mistake. I hope you find this helpful. Good luck to you.
I want to go to college and take culinary arts. I've looked at a few colleges. I live in Bellefontaine, Ohio and want to go to school in Columbus, Ohio. What college would you prefer: Columbus Culinary Institute at Bradford Schools or Columbus State Community College?? Any answer will help??
Cooking & Recipes - 1 Answers
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Honestly, I don't know anything about any of the schools you mention here -- but perhaps I can offer you some information that will help you decide for yourself: First of all, I don't really believe in the idea that there's a 'best' school; the choice of the best culinary school is personal and the best school for you might not be the best school for someone else. So, my first piece of advice is that you consider carefully what you need to get out of your culinary school experience. What gaps in your knowledge are you looking to fill? Are you just looking for a piece of paper (you know, a diploma or a degree...) that attests to your skill in order to get your career started? Take the time to list out the things you need to get out of your experience and then go out to each of these schools and measure how they score on your own personal evaluation scale. If you're looking to launch your career and feel you need that diploma to get you started, then the reputation of the schools with the chefs you hope will hire you once you graduate will be at the top of your list. Go out and speak with chefs, HR people, etc. and ask them about the reputation of each of these schools. Most chefs are willing to help someone out that has a passion for this profession (I recommend you try to catch them in the morning around 11am or in the afternoon, after the lunch rush and before dinner -- respect their time!). Other things you should look into: The qualifications of the Instructors. How many years experience do they have? Is that experience in fine dining? or in more industrial sorts of operations? Ask about any awards or accolades. Also ask about their teaching experience and what kind of training the school provides them to keep them sharp and on top of the latest culinary trends. Ask about class sizes: many schools talk about their student teacher ratio because their classes are very large. Then they throw a few under-qualified 'Assistant Instructors' in the classroom to lower their ratio -- you want a school that limits the number of students in the kitchen classroom to 20 or less and you want to make sure that you'll be working with qualified Head Instructors, not 'assistants' or 'associates'. Inspect the facilities. Make sure they have enough equipment for the numbers of students they're teaching. Do the kitchens look new, clean and well-cared for? Definitely speak with at least a couple of students and recent graduates. Ask about their experiences at school: did they learn the sorts of things they expected to learn? was the teaching environment conducive to learning? did each student get plenty of hands-on experience or did they have to compete with their fellow classmates for their turn at the stove (every student should really cook every day, but at some schools they make some students watch while their classmates cook and take turns)? Ask graduates about their experiences after graduation. Did they get the sort of placement help they expected? Did they learn the things in school that their hiring chef expected them to know once they got on the job? Also interview the Chef Instructors. You will be counting on these people to teach you. You should probably like them and absolutely better respect them, their experience and their attitude towards cooking. In addition to placement rates and graduation rates, the schools should be able to tell you about where their graduates go to work. It would be worth your while to contact those hiring restaurants or hotels and confirm the school's claims. Also ask the the hiring chef their opinion of the quality of the program. It's a lot of homework to perform, but considering the investment of time and money you're about to make, it's worth the up-front investment. We hear from a lot of students that start in a program only to quit before they finish because it didn't turn out to be ask they expected. Don't make that mistake. I hope you find this helpful. Good luck to you.
Monday, April 18, 2011
What do i have to do, do get into PHARMACY SCHOOL?
What do i have to do, do get into PHARMACY SCHOOL?
Im a Senior in high school in Columbus Ohio, & i was wondering what i have to do to get into pharmacy school. I signed up to take the SAT & ACT, are there any other test i have to take to get into Pharmacy School?, i was trying to get into Univ. of Toledo, Univ. of Cincinnati, or OHIO Northern. What do i have to do to get into these schools?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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Good career. Browse through these web pages for some answers.
Take the subjects required. What I do know is that having work experience in a related area or in the pharmaceutical area can really help your chances.
Im a Senior in high school in Columbus Ohio, & i was wondering what i have to do to get into pharmacy school. I signed up to take the SAT & ACT, are there any other test i have to take to get into Pharmacy School?, i was trying to get into Univ. of Toledo, Univ. of Cincinnati, or OHIO Northern. What do i have to do to get into these schools?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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Good career. Browse through these web pages for some answers.
Take the subjects required. What I do know is that having work experience in a related area or in the pharmaceutical area can really help your chances.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
College life in Columbus,Ohio ???
College life in Columbus,Ohio ???
Im considering of applying to OSU, and have a close frriend who is considering goin go the Columbus art school there too.. except, i've heard that the city is very boring, and that there is not much to do there.. So is the college life boring there?? i mean, it is in the Capital of Ohio? Could it realy be that boring?
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
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It all depends on what you're looking for. I don't know about local clubs, those probably change pretty regularly, but there are museums, sports, shopping, concerts at nearby venues, and lots of things geared toward college students. It's less than 2 hours from Cleveland so if there's something you're dying to do in the "big" city, it's not that far away. I love living in Ohio, but it's not the place for everyone. See if you can visit your friend for a weekend, or set up a visit where you can stay on camups with OSU students. You may have to find your entertainment, and with such a big school they may not have events planned as regularly as a small school. If you want REALLY boring (but I still loved it), check out Ashland University, which is about an hour north of Columbus.
Not only is Columbus the capital, but OSU is the largest university in the country, with more than 40,000 students. They have every student activity that it's possible to have. Some people actually mean they think the entire midwest is boring. I, for example, need mountains around. No mountains worth the name in Ohio. Depends on what you like. I sure wouldn't let somebody's personal opinion keep me from going to a school that I'd probably like. Have you had a chance to visit the school and check it out for yourself? I'd try to do that.
Thats the craziest thing i have heard lol i live about 15 minutes away from the college I am 17 I plan on going there in the fall.. it is far from boring there is clubs everywhere there Is always something going on. I mean if you like to party then it is def. right for you but even if you are into other things there is a ton of options to go on around there..
Like some of the other responses have noted, it really depends on what constitutes "fun" for you. If you like going out to movies, there are quite a few decent theaters, including indie theaters. If you like restaurants and/or bars and clubs, there are several that offer wide ranges of cuisine and atmosphere. If you like the frat party/kegger scene, that's also an option. Columbus has a pretty extensive park system, and there are many miles of bike trails all over the city for the more outdoorsy set. Though again, it's not particularly hilly or mountainous, so if you love skiing and all-terrain hiking, then Columbus isn't the best choice for that kind of thing. There are various art fairs and ethnic festivals throughout the year either in the city or in the immediate suburbs. In short, there's plenty of things to do for most people, even ones who don't love football (just sleep in on autumn Saturdays). It doesn't have as much hustle-and-bustle of bigger cities like New York or LA, but that doesn't mean it's some sleepy, one stoplight kind of town either. There's close to 2 million people in the Columbus metro area, so it's still a decent-sized place.
Im considering of applying to OSU, and have a close frriend who is considering goin go the Columbus art school there too.. except, i've heard that the city is very boring, and that there is not much to do there.. So is the college life boring there?? i mean, it is in the Capital of Ohio? Could it realy be that boring?
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
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It all depends on what you're looking for. I don't know about local clubs, those probably change pretty regularly, but there are museums, sports, shopping, concerts at nearby venues, and lots of things geared toward college students. It's less than 2 hours from Cleveland so if there's something you're dying to do in the "big" city, it's not that far away. I love living in Ohio, but it's not the place for everyone. See if you can visit your friend for a weekend, or set up a visit where you can stay on camups with OSU students. You may have to find your entertainment, and with such a big school they may not have events planned as regularly as a small school. If you want REALLY boring (but I still loved it), check out Ashland University, which is about an hour north of Columbus.
Not only is Columbus the capital, but OSU is the largest university in the country, with more than 40,000 students. They have every student activity that it's possible to have. Some people actually mean they think the entire midwest is boring. I, for example, need mountains around. No mountains worth the name in Ohio. Depends on what you like. I sure wouldn't let somebody's personal opinion keep me from going to a school that I'd probably like. Have you had a chance to visit the school and check it out for yourself? I'd try to do that.
Thats the craziest thing i have heard lol i live about 15 minutes away from the college I am 17 I plan on going there in the fall.. it is far from boring there is clubs everywhere there Is always something going on. I mean if you like to party then it is def. right for you but even if you are into other things there is a ton of options to go on around there..
Like some of the other responses have noted, it really depends on what constitutes "fun" for you. If you like going out to movies, there are quite a few decent theaters, including indie theaters. If you like restaurants and/or bars and clubs, there are several that offer wide ranges of cuisine and atmosphere. If you like the frat party/kegger scene, that's also an option. Columbus has a pretty extensive park system, and there are many miles of bike trails all over the city for the more outdoorsy set. Though again, it's not particularly hilly or mountainous, so if you love skiing and all-terrain hiking, then Columbus isn't the best choice for that kind of thing. There are various art fairs and ethnic festivals throughout the year either in the city or in the immediate suburbs. In short, there's plenty of things to do for most people, even ones who don't love football (just sleep in on autumn Saturdays). It doesn't have as much hustle-and-bustle of bigger cities like New York or LA, but that doesn't mean it's some sleepy, one stoplight kind of town either. There's close to 2 million people in the Columbus metro area, so it's still a decent-sized place.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Summer community service opportunities for a teenager in Columbus, Ohio?
Summer community service opportunities for a teenager in Columbus, Ohio?
i would like to do community service this summer so i dont have to worry about it during the school year (if possible, a few hours a day) do you know of any places where it would be good for a teenager to do some [hopefully fun] community service this summer??
Community Service - 1 Answers
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There are very many volunteer opportunities in Columbus, Ohio: Libraries, Franklin County Humane Society, Animal Shelter, hospitals, food banks, Meals on Wheels (if you drive) etc. The best place to get hooked up with a list of opportunities is to contact First Link, which is a clearinghouse for matching people or organizations with needs with those willing to help. They even have a Youth Volunteer Corps. Location: FIRSTLINK, Inc. 195 North Grant Avenue Columbus, OH 43215 Phone Number: Information & Referral Line 2-1-1 (or 221-2255), available 24 hours
i would like to do community service this summer so i dont have to worry about it during the school year (if possible, a few hours a day) do you know of any places where it would be good for a teenager to do some [hopefully fun] community service this summer??
Community Service - 1 Answers
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There are very many volunteer opportunities in Columbus, Ohio: Libraries, Franklin County Humane Society, Animal Shelter, hospitals, food banks, Meals on Wheels (if you drive) etc. The best place to get hooked up with a list of opportunities is to contact First Link, which is a clearinghouse for matching people or organizations with needs with those willing to help. They even have a Youth Volunteer Corps. Location: FIRSTLINK, Inc. 195 North Grant Avenue Columbus, OH 43215 Phone Number: Information & Referral Line 2-1-1 (or 221-2255), available 24 hours
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
where can i go to get my GED in Columbus ohio?
where can i go to get my GED in Columbus ohio?
My buddy just moved here from France. He has a French high school diploma, but he wanted to get a GED in the United State.
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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Go to the board of education in Columbus. They have everything you need their to fill out and they will tell you what you need to do.
My buddy just moved here from France. He has a French high school diploma, but he wanted to get a GED in the United State.
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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Go to the board of education in Columbus. They have everything you need their to fill out and they will tell you what you need to do.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Are there any cosmetology programs to attend during the summer in Columbus Ohio or any where in Columbus?
Are there any cosmetology programs to attend during the summer in Columbus Ohio or any where in Columbus?
I am attending college during the school year but would really like to get my license as a hair dresser
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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http://www.cos.ohio.gov/schoollistings.php The course will last longer than a summer(it is 1500 hours for your state, and it will take you about a year to complete.), and you MUST complete the hours and requirements before going in for your State board Exam.
I am attending college during the school year but would really like to get my license as a hair dresser
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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http://www.cos.ohio.gov/schoollistings.php The course will last longer than a summer(it is 1500 hours for your state, and it will take you about a year to complete.), and you MUST complete the hours and requirements before going in for your State board Exam.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Where can I find a part time job in Columbus, Ohio for a 15 year old high school student with no experience?
Where can I find a part time job in Columbus, Ohio for a 15 year old high school student with no experience?
i've read the paper, been on the internet, and even to some of the actuall job locations near my house. if there's anyone out there who can answer my question please help me. btw i've already applied for krogers. and if you can, try to suggest a job within the 43207 are, or pretty close by i've applied at a couple of fast food restraunts. if you have any other suggestions i'd be more than gratefull to hear... see them. btw i've also applied at walmart- sorta.
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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Try the fast food places. They are nearly looking for help all the time. Fill out an application and you will probably will be called.
I live in Australia but have you thought about starting your own little business in your neighbourhood like; dog walking/washing, car washing, yard cleaning/odd jobs, collecting mail and watering plants/garden, pet feeding, while people are on holidays, window cleaning, helping younger kids with school work/tutoring. If you got a few regulars it would probably pay more (cash in hand). Be reliable, dress smart and clean and be keen!
i've read the paper, been on the internet, and even to some of the actuall job locations near my house. if there's anyone out there who can answer my question please help me. btw i've already applied for krogers. and if you can, try to suggest a job within the 43207 are, or pretty close by i've applied at a couple of fast food restraunts. if you have any other suggestions i'd be more than gratefull to hear... see them. btw i've also applied at walmart- sorta.
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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Try the fast food places. They are nearly looking for help all the time. Fill out an application and you will probably will be called.
I live in Australia but have you thought about starting your own little business in your neighbourhood like; dog walking/washing, car washing, yard cleaning/odd jobs, collecting mail and watering plants/garden, pet feeding, while people are on holidays, window cleaning, helping younger kids with school work/tutoring. If you got a few regulars it would probably pay more (cash in hand). Be reliable, dress smart and clean and be keen!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Is there any Indian community in columbus Ohio.Pls help which area is better for a new person in Ohio. Thanks
Is there any Indian community in columbus Ohio.Pls help which area is better for a new person in Ohio. Thanks
Hi We are moving from NewJersey to Columbus Ohio. which area suits best for a newcomer and which school district is good as my child goes to G2 now.Pls help as Im confused and require little info about that. Thanks
Other - United States - 1 Answers
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There are lots of Indians in Columbus (though probably not as many as in NJ) but they are spread out. The best school districts in Columbus are: Upper Arlington, Dublin, Olentangy, New Albany. Dublin probably (in my unscientific methodology) has the most Indians of that group. Also, Dublin is not far from the Barthyia Hindu Temple - http://www.columbushindutemple.org/Home.aspx - that's a good place to meet many in the Indian community here in town. Welcome to Columbus.
Hi We are moving from NewJersey to Columbus Ohio. which area suits best for a newcomer and which school district is good as my child goes to G2 now.Pls help as Im confused and require little info about that. Thanks
Other - United States - 1 Answers
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There are lots of Indians in Columbus (though probably not as many as in NJ) but they are spread out. The best school districts in Columbus are: Upper Arlington, Dublin, Olentangy, New Albany. Dublin probably (in my unscientific methodology) has the most Indians of that group. Also, Dublin is not far from the Barthyia Hindu Temple - http://www.columbushindutemple.org/Home.aspx - that's a good place to meet many in the Indian community here in town. Welcome to Columbus.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Is there any Indian community in columbus Ohio.Pls help which area is better for a new person in Ohio. Thanks
Is there any Indian community in columbus Ohio.Pls help which area is better for a new person in Ohio. Thanks
Hi We are moving from NewJersey to Columbus Ohio. which area suits best for a newcomer and which school district is good as my child goes to G2 now.Pls help as Im confused and require little info about that. Thanks
Other - United States - 1 Answers
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There are lots of Indians in Columbus (though probably not as many as in NJ) but they are spread out. The best school districts in Columbus are: Upper Arlington, Dublin, Olentangy, New Albany. Dublin probably (in my unscientific methodology) has the most Indians of that group. Also, Dublin is not far from the Barthyia Hindu Temple - http://www.columbushindutemple.org/Home.aspx - that's a good place to meet many in the Indian community here in town. Welcome to Columbus.
Hi We are moving from NewJersey to Columbus Ohio. which area suits best for a newcomer and which school district is good as my child goes to G2 now.Pls help as Im confused and require little info about that. Thanks
Other - United States - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
There are lots of Indians in Columbus (though probably not as many as in NJ) but they are spread out. The best school districts in Columbus are: Upper Arlington, Dublin, Olentangy, New Albany. Dublin probably (in my unscientific methodology) has the most Indians of that group. Also, Dublin is not far from the Barthyia Hindu Temple - http://www.columbushindutemple.org/Home.aspx - that's a good place to meet many in the Indian community here in town. Welcome to Columbus.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Question about Columbus, Ohio?
Question about Columbus, Ohio?
In a few years I plan on going to Ohio State in Columbus, Ohio. I have a few questions about it though to top of my research. How is the schools in Columbus? What is there to do? Is Ohio State a good school to attend? Is Columbus a good place to raise a family? Thank you and if you want to add anything else that would be helpful! Thank you :)
Other - United States - 4 Answers
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columbus is an awesome city for every thing! so yea go there
The Ohio State University is awesome! It's really big so there is pretty much anything you could want to do there. My sister goes there and she loves it. Columbus is a great city also, however for raising a family I would suggest a suburb like Dublin or Westerville or Hilliard or Worthington. There a tons of suburbs because Columbus Public Schools are pretty much what you would expect from a big inner city. I have lived in Columbus for about 6 years and I went to high school in Dublin. I chose to attend a community college to save money, but OSU really is a great school. Also, they will accept almost anyone to their satellite campus there is one in Newark and one in Delaware which are only about 30 mins outside Columbus.
i lived 20 mins from there a while ago and always went there so i will try to help their ok they are not like harvard or anything but they are good schools its a BIG city so theres lots to do you just have to think about what you want to do i have never been there but the schools in ohio i have been too are good honestly i dont think people should raise familes because of all the villence that goes on there...unless you are in the good part of the city
I used to live in Ohio, and always found columbus to be the cleanest of the Ohio cities. There are many things to do in Columbus including some cool museums (Cosi), the Zoo, etc. Ohio State is an OK school to attend, a little to big for my tastes (I went to Ohio University). I think with OSU you get out of it what you put into it...as with any school, but more so there. Columbus and the surrounding towns are great places to bring up kids for the reasons above, clean, friendly, good schools, educational non-school things to do, culture, etc. good luck, I am sure you will love Columbus.
In a few years I plan on going to Ohio State in Columbus, Ohio. I have a few questions about it though to top of my research. How is the schools in Columbus? What is there to do? Is Ohio State a good school to attend? Is Columbus a good place to raise a family? Thank you and if you want to add anything else that would be helpful! Thank you :)
Other - United States - 4 Answers
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columbus is an awesome city for every thing! so yea go there
The Ohio State University is awesome! It's really big so there is pretty much anything you could want to do there. My sister goes there and she loves it. Columbus is a great city also, however for raising a family I would suggest a suburb like Dublin or Westerville or Hilliard or Worthington. There a tons of suburbs because Columbus Public Schools are pretty much what you would expect from a big inner city. I have lived in Columbus for about 6 years and I went to high school in Dublin. I chose to attend a community college to save money, but OSU really is a great school. Also, they will accept almost anyone to their satellite campus there is one in Newark and one in Delaware which are only about 30 mins outside Columbus.
i lived 20 mins from there a while ago and always went there so i will try to help their ok they are not like harvard or anything but they are good schools its a BIG city so theres lots to do you just have to think about what you want to do i have never been there but the schools in ohio i have been too are good honestly i dont think people should raise familes because of all the villence that goes on there...unless you are in the good part of the city
I used to live in Ohio, and always found columbus to be the cleanest of the Ohio cities. There are many things to do in Columbus including some cool museums (Cosi), the Zoo, etc. Ohio State is an OK school to attend, a little to big for my tastes (I went to Ohio University). I think with OSU you get out of it what you put into it...as with any school, but more so there. Columbus and the surrounding towns are great places to bring up kids for the reasons above, clean, friendly, good schools, educational non-school things to do, culture, etc. good luck, I am sure you will love Columbus.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
I'm contemplating buying a 1 bedroom condo (858 square feet) in Columbus Ohio while I'm in Graduate school..
I'm contemplating buying a 1 bedroom condo (858 square feet) in Columbus Ohio while I'm in Graduate school..
I'm in Graduate School full-time.The condo is $160,000. My income from my inheritance generates $1400/month...more than enough to make the condo payment with no money down..and I can work part-time as a nurse RN. or should I wait until I graduate and just continue to rent????? It's downtown Columbus......not out in the suburbs....Condos in suburbs you can get for very cheap money.....but who wants to drive 24 miles to meet up with friends for a late night beer..... location...location....location.... its like living in the city
Investing - 11 Answers
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That seems like a high price for that many (or few) square feet. Keep in mind that you also have to pay insurance and taxes and upkeep and utilities. You might find it cheaper to rent one of the condos in that same place. Look into it before making that decision to buy...
i think you should continue to rent ur house since ur salary is only $1400
Its always better to own. If you buy you are paying yourself rent. You should get the money back when you sell if you get enough equity. Why give your money to someone else?
I would work part time as a RN and go ahead and get the condo. Why waste your money on rent. Go for it!! Welcome neighbor, I live in Zanesville.
$160K for a 1 br 850 foot condo in Columbus? Um, I think you better think that over. The real estate market is going down, and condos are always hurt the most in a real-estate slide. The chances you won't have any equity in your home after a few years are very good, I think. Rent yourself something cheap in Reynoldsburg and take yourself out for a few nice dinners when you get stressed out from studying.
Because of your age.........and what the future can be.....I would say Buy if you can afford it.......but I don't think an apartment is what you'd want. Because that is all a condo is....think of it like that...........would you then want to buy it. You'd be paying for upkeep each month too.....why not keep up just what is yours. with that here in Iowa you could buy a 3 bedroom house.
How long are you planning on staying? Will you stay after you graduate? How is the market? Are condos selling and reselling w/o being on the market longer than you are willing to wait? If you rent you are throwing your money away but if you buy then if the homes/condos in the area have been gaining equity then go for the buy!
Can you buy other real estate instead of a condo? Real estate prices have plummeted in many areas and this would be a good time to invest in a house. Condos have had a history of not retaining value unless they are in a metropolitan area. The downside to a house is that you are the one who has to maintain the house, whereas a condo you might pay a fee to keep it maintained . You should talk to a Realtor or investment manager about how to best use your money. I am also in graduate school and if you can get away without working while in graduate school, you are a lucky person.
If your studies will take you somewhere else you might want to think about it. Then again, the housing market is the place to be. So maybe look into a house as opposed to a condo and as the market clears you'll have a nice marginal profit. Regardless, take the estimated amount you will spend during the span of time you expect to own the house, including payments, insurance, rent, groceries,etc.... Add it to the present value of your house. Then subtract it from the price you expect to sell it at in the future. Take the answer of the previous problem and subtract it from the amount you expect to make at your job in that same time. Then ask yourself, is this worth it? That's what I would do. Hope I helped.
Since you did not indicate what rent you are paying monthly, that figure would be useful in making an economic calculation of whether to rent or buy. Your investment is earning $ 16,800 per year. If you purchase you are responsible for mortgage interest and principal,on $160,000 over the life of the mortgage, property taxes, condo fees for grounds and maintenance,all interior maintenance work, utilities including heat. At the end of grad school (? yrs.) will you be able to get back the remaining principal through the sale of the property or will the fact it is one room be a deterrent? If you plan to settle in the Columbus area aftergrad school that might also convince you to buy.Suggest you do the homework prior to committing!
Well, you said that you can be a part time nurse so I am assuming that buying this place is not so much of a risk. When you become a nurse I am sure that you will be able to own the condo and pay for it with no problem. If you like it, go for it.
I'm in Graduate School full-time.The condo is $160,000. My income from my inheritance generates $1400/month...more than enough to make the condo payment with no money down..and I can work part-time as a nurse RN. or should I wait until I graduate and just continue to rent????? It's downtown Columbus......not out in the suburbs....Condos in suburbs you can get for very cheap money.....but who wants to drive 24 miles to meet up with friends for a late night beer..... location...location....location.... its like living in the city
Investing - 11 Answers
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That seems like a high price for that many (or few) square feet. Keep in mind that you also have to pay insurance and taxes and upkeep and utilities. You might find it cheaper to rent one of the condos in that same place. Look into it before making that decision to buy...
i think you should continue to rent ur house since ur salary is only $1400
Its always better to own. If you buy you are paying yourself rent. You should get the money back when you sell if you get enough equity. Why give your money to someone else?
I would work part time as a RN and go ahead and get the condo. Why waste your money on rent. Go for it!! Welcome neighbor, I live in Zanesville.
$160K for a 1 br 850 foot condo in Columbus? Um, I think you better think that over. The real estate market is going down, and condos are always hurt the most in a real-estate slide. The chances you won't have any equity in your home after a few years are very good, I think. Rent yourself something cheap in Reynoldsburg and take yourself out for a few nice dinners when you get stressed out from studying.
Because of your age.........and what the future can be.....I would say Buy if you can afford it.......but I don't think an apartment is what you'd want. Because that is all a condo is....think of it like that...........would you then want to buy it. You'd be paying for upkeep each month too.....why not keep up just what is yours. with that here in Iowa you could buy a 3 bedroom house.
How long are you planning on staying? Will you stay after you graduate? How is the market? Are condos selling and reselling w/o being on the market longer than you are willing to wait? If you rent you are throwing your money away but if you buy then if the homes/condos in the area have been gaining equity then go for the buy!
Can you buy other real estate instead of a condo? Real estate prices have plummeted in many areas and this would be a good time to invest in a house. Condos have had a history of not retaining value unless they are in a metropolitan area. The downside to a house is that you are the one who has to maintain the house, whereas a condo you might pay a fee to keep it maintained . You should talk to a Realtor or investment manager about how to best use your money. I am also in graduate school and if you can get away without working while in graduate school, you are a lucky person.
If your studies will take you somewhere else you might want to think about it. Then again, the housing market is the place to be. So maybe look into a house as opposed to a condo and as the market clears you'll have a nice marginal profit. Regardless, take the estimated amount you will spend during the span of time you expect to own the house, including payments, insurance, rent, groceries,etc.... Add it to the present value of your house. Then subtract it from the price you expect to sell it at in the future. Take the answer of the previous problem and subtract it from the amount you expect to make at your job in that same time. Then ask yourself, is this worth it? That's what I would do. Hope I helped.
Since you did not indicate what rent you are paying monthly, that figure would be useful in making an economic calculation of whether to rent or buy. Your investment is earning $ 16,800 per year. If you purchase you are responsible for mortgage interest and principal,on $160,000 over the life of the mortgage, property taxes, condo fees for grounds and maintenance,all interior maintenance work, utilities including heat. At the end of grad school (? yrs.) will you be able to get back the remaining principal through the sale of the property or will the fact it is one room be a deterrent? If you plan to settle in the Columbus area aftergrad school that might also convince you to buy.Suggest you do the homework prior to committing!
Well, you said that you can be a part time nurse so I am assuming that buying this place is not so much of a risk. When you become a nurse I am sure that you will be able to own the condo and pay for it with no problem. If you like it, go for it.
Monday, March 28, 2011
are Fordham university and Ohio state university-columbus good schools?
are Fordham university and Ohio state university-columbus good schools?
I m going to pursue business or new media programm (undergraduate) .I wanna know which one is better?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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I don't know Fordham but I looked online and saw that it was a Jesuit University. I am from Ohio and very familiar with OSU. It is one of the best schools in the nation. I also see Forham is in NY. You have to decide what type of lifestyle you prefer. Do you want to go to a religious school with this influence and in a major city or do you want to go to a non-secular school in a smaller town environment (Columbus is hardly the same as NYC). I love Ohio and I've lived in many states. Columbus is a decent community and has grown into an even nicer place. It is clean with homespun attitudes. You won't go wrong going to OSU, which is a well-known school and looks very good on resumes. But, I don't know you. You should go to both locations, take a tour and spend a few days there and see what YOU think.
I m going to pursue business or new media programm (undergraduate) .I wanna know which one is better?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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I don't know Fordham but I looked online and saw that it was a Jesuit University. I am from Ohio and very familiar with OSU. It is one of the best schools in the nation. I also see Forham is in NY. You have to decide what type of lifestyle you prefer. Do you want to go to a religious school with this influence and in a major city or do you want to go to a non-secular school in a smaller town environment (Columbus is hardly the same as NYC). I love Ohio and I've lived in many states. Columbus is a decent community and has grown into an even nicer place. It is clean with homespun attitudes. You won't go wrong going to OSU, which is a well-known school and looks very good on resumes. But, I don't know you. You should go to both locations, take a tour and spend a few days there and see what YOU think.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
I already have a bachelor's of arts in communication, what do I need to teach high school in Ohio?
I already have a bachelor's of arts in communication, what do I need to teach high school in Ohio?
I graduated form the University of Toledo with my bachelor's in communication with an emphasis in public relations, and I've decided I want to teach high school. I live in Ohio, and would like to stay in Ohio, preferably in the Columbus area. What sort of certification programs are available, and what all do I need to complete my certification to teach?
Teaching - 1 Answers
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You go on to get either another Bachelors in education or you can get a Masters degree and you could either teach in high school or college.
I graduated form the University of Toledo with my bachelor's in communication with an emphasis in public relations, and I've decided I want to teach high school. I live in Ohio, and would like to stay in Ohio, preferably in the Columbus area. What sort of certification programs are available, and what all do I need to complete my certification to teach?
Teaching - 1 Answers
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You go on to get either another Bachelors in education or you can get a Masters degree and you could either teach in high school or college.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Respected martial arts in Columbus,Ohio?
Respected martial arts in Columbus,Ohio?
Alright well some of the schools in columbus,ohio look credible some dont. But before even taking a free class does anyone know any respected schools or teachers or martial arts for that matter in the area? Thanks
Martial Arts - 2 Answers
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is that where rich franklin is from?
Are you looking for a particular style?
Alright well some of the schools in columbus,ohio look credible some dont. But before even taking a free class does anyone know any respected schools or teachers or martial arts for that matter in the area? Thanks
Martial Arts - 2 Answers
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is that where rich franklin is from?
Are you looking for a particular style?
Sunday, March 20, 2011
When is the meet & greet for the Tokio Hotel Concert in Columbus Ohio?
When is the meet & greet for the Tokio Hotel Concert in Columbus Ohio?
Im going to the Tokio Hotel concert in Columbus Ohio on october 27. Me and My best friend are getting out of school early to get there early enough to be at the meet & greet but..... i don't know what time it starts! =( Can someone help me?
Rock and Pop - 2 Answers
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When it doubt, check it out. Look at the tour website, it usually has the information, or look up the venue's website.
lucky! have fun~ i suggest looking at the webiste
Im going to the Tokio Hotel concert in Columbus Ohio on october 27. Me and My best friend are getting out of school early to get there early enough to be at the meet & greet but..... i don't know what time it starts! =( Can someone help me?
Rock and Pop - 2 Answers
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When it doubt, check it out. Look at the tour website, it usually has the information, or look up the venue's website.
lucky! have fun~ i suggest looking at the webiste
Friday, March 18, 2011
are Fordham university and Ohio state university-columbus good schools?
are Fordham university and Ohio state university-columbus good schools?
I m going to pursue business or new media programm (undergraduate) .I wanna know which one is better?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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I don't know Fordham but I looked online and saw that it was a Jesuit University. I am from Ohio and very familiar with OSU. It is one of the best schools in the nation. I also see Forham is in NY. You have to decide what type of lifestyle you prefer. Do you want to go to a religious school with this influence and in a major city or do you want to go to a non-secular school in a smaller town environment (Columbus is hardly the same as NYC). I love Ohio and I've lived in many states. Columbus is a decent community and has grown into an even nicer place. It is clean with homespun attitudes. You won't go wrong going to OSU, which is a well-known school and looks very good on resumes. But, I don't know you. You should go to both locations, take a tour and spend a few days there and see what YOU think.
I m going to pursue business or new media programm (undergraduate) .I wanna know which one is better?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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I don't know Fordham but I looked online and saw that it was a Jesuit University. I am from Ohio and very familiar with OSU. It is one of the best schools in the nation. I also see Forham is in NY. You have to decide what type of lifestyle you prefer. Do you want to go to a religious school with this influence and in a major city or do you want to go to a non-secular school in a smaller town environment (Columbus is hardly the same as NYC). I love Ohio and I've lived in many states. Columbus is a decent community and has grown into an even nicer place. It is clean with homespun attitudes. You won't go wrong going to OSU, which is a well-known school and looks very good on resumes. But, I don't know you. You should go to both locations, take a tour and spend a few days there and see what YOU think.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Good high schools in Columbus ohio?
Good high schools in Columbus ohio?
I am about to be a junior in high school , and i am moving from texas to Ohio. I need to find a high school that doesn't have school uniforms because im leaving a school that has them. Also i want to find a school with a dance team and good sports programs for example golf, tennis and volleyball. Any suggestions will help. thank you
Primary & Secondary Education - 3 Answers
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Why not look around at their websites ? http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&&sa=X&ei=OK4RTNvPEYbGlQfPpaWOCA&ved=0CBUQBSgA&q=columbus+ohio+high+schools&spell=1
The website for Columbus Public Schools is http://www.columbus.k12.oh.us/index.html. I am a 2001 graduate of Columbus Public Schools. Most, if not all, of our high schools have volleyball and dance teams. Some also have modified dress codes, such as no tank tops, no short shorts/skirts. I know of one (East High School) that requires you to wear white tops and black bottoms, but not official uniforms. My school was Eastmoor Academy. We also had golf and tennis. I wish you luck, and welcome to Columbus, OH!
idk man. if youre moving to the columbus area, but not columbus specifically try greenon. its a tiny school and great :) AMAZING golf and tennis teams. volleyball is very good too, as well as the rest. cheerleading but not dance. also, we had the best guidance councilor in the state. hes amazing. ps: if youre moving INTO columbus, be sure to eat at potbellys. its amazing. and there is a town nearby called yellow springs....google it. youll LOVE IT email me at chelssmiles@yahoo.com i can hook u up with all the cool places lol
I am about to be a junior in high school , and i am moving from texas to Ohio. I need to find a high school that doesn't have school uniforms because im leaving a school that has them. Also i want to find a school with a dance team and good sports programs for example golf, tennis and volleyball. Any suggestions will help. thank you
Primary & Secondary Education - 3 Answers
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Why not look around at their websites ? http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&&sa=X&ei=OK4RTNvPEYbGlQfPpaWOCA&ved=0CBUQBSgA&q=columbus+ohio+high+schools&spell=1
The website for Columbus Public Schools is http://www.columbus.k12.oh.us/index.html. I am a 2001 graduate of Columbus Public Schools. Most, if not all, of our high schools have volleyball and dance teams. Some also have modified dress codes, such as no tank tops, no short shorts/skirts. I know of one (East High School) that requires you to wear white tops and black bottoms, but not official uniforms. My school was Eastmoor Academy. We also had golf and tennis. I wish you luck, and welcome to Columbus, OH!
idk man. if youre moving to the columbus area, but not columbus specifically try greenon. its a tiny school and great :) AMAZING golf and tennis teams. volleyball is very good too, as well as the rest. cheerleading but not dance. also, we had the best guidance councilor in the state. hes amazing. ps: if youre moving INTO columbus, be sure to eat at potbellys. its amazing. and there is a town nearby called yellow springs....google it. youll LOVE IT email me at chelssmiles@yahoo.com i can hook u up with all the cool places lol
Monday, March 14, 2011
Good driving schools in columbus ohio?
Good driving schools in columbus ohio?
Im 16 and i need to start in a driving school. Anybody know of the cheapest???
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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Hi charming, just check this Ohio Driving School.. http://www.drivingschoolus.com/generic-drivered.html?STATE=OHIO
Im 16 and i need to start in a driving school. Anybody know of the cheapest???
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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Hi charming, just check this Ohio Driving School.. http://www.drivingschoolus.com/generic-drivered.html?STATE=OHIO
Saturday, March 12, 2011
College near Bradford Schools in Columbus, Ohio?
College near Bradford Schools in Columbus, Ohio?
Does anyone know the name of the College(I think its a Culinary college) that is near Bradford Schools in Columbus, Ohio and if you know what it is, is it Accredidated??
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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http://www.trails.com/all-hotels/points-of-interest.asp?poi=1844 http://www.google.co.in/pagead/iclk?sa=l&ai=BF65mj9_HRtDTEoiKsQKdr_y3BLaHpQ_OvtC2BrrR1LkC0MoWCAAQARgBMAA4AVCe2eyKB2DlApgBnYcBmAHohwGYAaqkBqABxq-d_gPIAQGpAgJhMpTdjLY-2QM8Ctc-n84zwuADEA&adurl=http://www.difc.ie http://www.city-data.com/city/Columbus-Ohio.html http://www.petersons.com/ugchannel/code/instvc.asp?inunid=5900 http://www.eachtown.com/colleges.php/cityid/31836
Does anyone know the name of the College(I think its a Culinary college) that is near Bradford Schools in Columbus, Ohio and if you know what it is, is it Accredidated??
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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http://www.trails.com/all-hotels/points-of-interest.asp?poi=1844 http://www.google.co.in/pagead/iclk?sa=l&ai=BF65mj9_HRtDTEoiKsQKdr_y3BLaHpQ_OvtC2BrrR1LkC0MoWCAAQARgBMAA4AVCe2eyKB2DlApgBnYcBmAHohwGYAaqkBqABxq-d_gPIAQGpAgJhMpTdjLY-2QM8Ctc-n84zwuADEA&adurl=http://www.difc.ie http://www.city-data.com/city/Columbus-Ohio.html http://www.petersons.com/ugchannel/code/instvc.asp?inunid=5900 http://www.eachtown.com/colleges.php/cityid/31836
Thursday, March 10, 2011
I want to play on a womens sports team in columbus, ohio...where can I find one?
I want to play on a womens sports team in columbus, ohio...where can I find one?
I just moved to columbus a bit back for school, and I am looking to make some friends and get in shape a bit more. I want to join a women's sports team here in columbus, or nearby at least...but i am having such trouble finding any. I found the scotio valley women's rugby...but is there anything else? Note: I am NOT a Ohio State University student! Thanks in advance!
Other - Sports - 1 Answers
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do they have recreation for columbus ohio or the county you live in? check out their website and see if they have any adult recreation leagues they can have from bowling to swim teams.
I just moved to columbus a bit back for school, and I am looking to make some friends and get in shape a bit more. I want to join a women's sports team here in columbus, or nearby at least...but i am having such trouble finding any. I found the scotio valley women's rugby...but is there anything else? Note: I am NOT a Ohio State University student! Thanks in advance!
Other - Sports - 1 Answers
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do they have recreation for columbus ohio or the county you live in? check out their website and see if they have any adult recreation leagues they can have from bowling to swim teams.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
where can i buy a tenor sax reed and mouth piece in columbus ohio?
where can i buy a tenor sax reed and mouth piece in columbus ohio?
Where can I buy a tenor sax reed and mouth piece in Columbus Ohio? Please help! I need one of each for school...
Other - Local Businesses - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
google it
Where can I buy a tenor sax reed and mouth piece in Columbus Ohio? Please help! I need one of each for school...
Other - Local Businesses - 1 Answers
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google it
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Does going to a private school help you get into college?
Does going to a private school help you get into college?
I go to Columbus School for Girls. (A elite private single sex school in columbus ohio) And i want to know if it is easier to get into a college because i go to this school. Please don't be rude. I am a sophmore and i it is my first year here! Thanks! :)
Other - Education - 3 Answers
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No, it's all about grades, SAT scores, AP classes and extracurriculars!
A good private school does help. Everything "helps", but of course you would have the other credentials as well- high test scores, good grades, volunteer work, ect. Some private and even "public" schools are known as "feeder" schools for certain colleges, and those feeder schools have many students that "feed" into top tier colleges/or just "certain" colleges & Universities. I'm not sure if Columbus School For Girls is one of them but it's something you may want to investigate a little. It can't hurt. Ask your....admissions counselor at your school or "guidance counselor (i've long since forgotten the names of such people since I've been out of hs for a while). Good luck:)
Yes, generally students from good private schools (there are bad schools out there) are more prepared for college work and the colleges do not want kids dropping out, that is a big thing for the colleges. Private school curriculum tends to be more rigorous compared to public school curriculum, sometimes far more. Also, most good private schools have excellent college counseling and the main goal of most private schools is to get kids into college. Good private schools have at least a 95% 4 yr college matriculation rate, many have a 100% rate. It looks like your school is strong academically, not the most rigorous, but an decent number of National Merit recognized seniors. (The most rigorous schools have about 50%+ National Merit recognized seniors.) If you do well in high school, you should have no problem getting into a great college. Typically, 100% of the girls from your school matriculate into 4 yr colleges. Good luck!
I go to Columbus School for Girls. (A elite private single sex school in columbus ohio) And i want to know if it is easier to get into a college because i go to this school. Please don't be rude. I am a sophmore and i it is my first year here! Thanks! :)
Other - Education - 3 Answers
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No, it's all about grades, SAT scores, AP classes and extracurriculars!
A good private school does help. Everything "helps", but of course you would have the other credentials as well- high test scores, good grades, volunteer work, ect. Some private and even "public" schools are known as "feeder" schools for certain colleges, and those feeder schools have many students that "feed" into top tier colleges/or just "certain" colleges & Universities. I'm not sure if Columbus School For Girls is one of them but it's something you may want to investigate a little. It can't hurt. Ask your....admissions counselor at your school or "guidance counselor (i've long since forgotten the names of such people since I've been out of hs for a while). Good luck:)
Yes, generally students from good private schools (there are bad schools out there) are more prepared for college work and the colleges do not want kids dropping out, that is a big thing for the colleges. Private school curriculum tends to be more rigorous compared to public school curriculum, sometimes far more. Also, most good private schools have excellent college counseling and the main goal of most private schools is to get kids into college. Good private schools have at least a 95% 4 yr college matriculation rate, many have a 100% rate. It looks like your school is strong academically, not the most rigorous, but an decent number of National Merit recognized seniors. (The most rigorous schools have about 50%+ National Merit recognized seniors.) If you do well in high school, you should have no problem getting into a great college. Typically, 100% of the girls from your school matriculate into 4 yr colleges. Good luck!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Anything I need to know about moving to Columbus, OH to attend Ohio State Medical School?
Anything I need to know about moving to Columbus, OH to attend Ohio State Medical School?
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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You mean like, all the bars are on High Street? Ohio State University is really big. But the medical school is in one corner of the campus so it won't be quite as bad as for an under grad. when it can sometimes take nearly an hour to get to class. In the winter the temperatures will often get to -7 at night and sometimes down as far as -15 °C but usually they get only an inch or so of snow at a time and it melts within a couple days; maybe only one deep snow storm a year. Public transportation isn't very good for Columbus, but the University has their own bus line to get around campus.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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You mean like, all the bars are on High Street? Ohio State University is really big. But the medical school is in one corner of the campus so it won't be quite as bad as for an under grad. when it can sometimes take nearly an hour to get to class. In the winter the temperatures will often get to -7 at night and sometimes down as far as -15 °C but usually they get only an inch or so of snow at a time and it melts within a couple days; maybe only one deep snow storm a year. Public transportation isn't very good for Columbus, but the University has their own bus line to get around campus.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Columbus Ohio area schools, which would you pick?
Columbus Ohio area schools, which would you pick?
I am relocating from New England. I will be working in Dublin, OH. I have a 10 year old son and am trying to figure out where to buy a house. If you had to choose, what school district would you pick and why: Dublin, Westerville, Worthington, Hilliard? (From what I hear, I shouldn't even consider Columbus district)
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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I cannot speak about the surrounding school districts except for the Southwestern SD in Grove City. Avoid that one, too much politics detracting from student issues. Columbus does have a good alternative school program with some very good facilities, the most outstanding being the Metropolitan campus at Fort Hayes. It is a college preparatory program with emphasis on the arts. The school has no sports teams and no school colors. Respect for all is strongly emphasized and the staff are very caring. The curriculum involves more classroom hours per year than all other schools in the region, an extra 45 minutes daily. Fort Hayes is strictly a magnet school, not a "home district" school and is more like a college campus than a high school. Outside of the alternative school program, I would not recommend the Columbus PSD.
i just heard of an american website that may or may not be of some assistance. Ordinary students can evaluate ["name and shame" or praise] teachers and schools. Individuals comment on the teachers performance. Not sure what the address is though... i think it might be http://www.ratemyhighschool.com/register.php
I am relocating from New England. I will be working in Dublin, OH. I have a 10 year old son and am trying to figure out where to buy a house. If you had to choose, what school district would you pick and why: Dublin, Westerville, Worthington, Hilliard? (From what I hear, I shouldn't even consider Columbus district)
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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I cannot speak about the surrounding school districts except for the Southwestern SD in Grove City. Avoid that one, too much politics detracting from student issues. Columbus does have a good alternative school program with some very good facilities, the most outstanding being the Metropolitan campus at Fort Hayes. It is a college preparatory program with emphasis on the arts. The school has no sports teams and no school colors. Respect for all is strongly emphasized and the staff are very caring. The curriculum involves more classroom hours per year than all other schools in the region, an extra 45 minutes daily. Fort Hayes is strictly a magnet school, not a "home district" school and is more like a college campus than a high school. Outside of the alternative school program, I would not recommend the Columbus PSD.
i just heard of an american website that may or may not be of some assistance. Ordinary students can evaluate ["name and shame" or praise] teachers and schools. Individuals comment on the teachers performance. Not sure what the address is though... i think it might be http://www.ratemyhighschool.com/register.php
Monday, February 28, 2011
Columbus Ohio, Public or Private School?
Columbus Ohio, Public or Private School?
We are moving to Upper Arlington, Ohio and trying to decide between Upper Arlington Public Elementary or Wellington? We are hoping for educated opinions. Thank you,
Primary & Secondary Education - 5 Answers
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I know that Upper Arlington schools have a good reputation, but I don't know the other.
I have lived in Westerville all my life and I can tell you that Upper Arlington public schools have a wonderful reputation in all aspects-academics, sports, etc. Their education system is probably the best in the Columbus area. As far as Wellington, I don't really know much about the school so I can't give you any information on it.
I am a teacher and a former student of both public and private schools. The answer: visit the school, ask around, and look around. In a school, first impressions say a lot. Is the principal encouraging you to attend? Do the students look alert, happy to be there? Little things like this help. I say this because private school for me was not "all that". But, the public school I teach at now is phenominal and better than all the private schools in the area. Try to meet some of the parents. They will give the best opinion. Hope this helps.
I live on Columbus Ohio and I can tell you that the Upper Arlington schools have a very good reputation.
Ok, I have wondered this same question myself since in high school as I had a public school teacher who sent her own child to a private school. Here's my thoughts... If you want a religious education, send your child to a religious private school. If religious schooling is not a priority, check out the public and private schools in the area. I will tell you, I know some very successful people that went to UA public schools. I also knew a teacher from Wellington years ago that told me that they had (at the time) some of the same negative aspects of school as public schools, i.e. drugs. In this teachers opnion, I was told that it was probably worse than public schools because of the availability of money to the children. I also know someone that was a tutor for a child that went to Wellington and there was a HUGE emphasis on grades and how well the child was doing. So, I suggest weighting out all that is important to you and what is important to your child.
We are moving to Upper Arlington, Ohio and trying to decide between Upper Arlington Public Elementary or Wellington? We are hoping for educated opinions. Thank you,
Primary & Secondary Education - 5 Answers
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I know that Upper Arlington schools have a good reputation, but I don't know the other.
I have lived in Westerville all my life and I can tell you that Upper Arlington public schools have a wonderful reputation in all aspects-academics, sports, etc. Their education system is probably the best in the Columbus area. As far as Wellington, I don't really know much about the school so I can't give you any information on it.
I am a teacher and a former student of both public and private schools. The answer: visit the school, ask around, and look around. In a school, first impressions say a lot. Is the principal encouraging you to attend? Do the students look alert, happy to be there? Little things like this help. I say this because private school for me was not "all that". But, the public school I teach at now is phenominal and better than all the private schools in the area. Try to meet some of the parents. They will give the best opinion. Hope this helps.
I live on Columbus Ohio and I can tell you that the Upper Arlington schools have a very good reputation.
Ok, I have wondered this same question myself since in high school as I had a public school teacher who sent her own child to a private school. Here's my thoughts... If you want a religious education, send your child to a religious private school. If religious schooling is not a priority, check out the public and private schools in the area. I will tell you, I know some very successful people that went to UA public schools. I also knew a teacher from Wellington years ago that told me that they had (at the time) some of the same negative aspects of school as public schools, i.e. drugs. In this teachers opnion, I was told that it was probably worse than public schools because of the availability of money to the children. I also know someone that was a tutor for a child that went to Wellington and there was a HUGE emphasis on grades and how well the child was doing. So, I suggest weighting out all that is important to you and what is important to your child.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Upper Arlington high school address located in Columbus, Ohio?
Upper Arlington high school address located in Columbus, Ohio?
Swimming & Diving - 1 Answers
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Upper Arlington High School 1950 N. Mallway Drive Upper Arlington OH 43221.4398 Ohio, USA
Swimming & Diving - 1 Answers
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Upper Arlington High School 1950 N. Mallway Drive Upper Arlington OH 43221.4398 Ohio, USA
Thursday, February 24, 2011
where can i find a list of all the charter schools in columbus ohio?
where can i find a list of all the charter schools in columbus ohio?
i really need this info i need a new scholl to go to need to know where to look for a list or info about where to look to find charter schools in columbus ohio
Other - Education - 3 Answers
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Goto columbus ohio charter schools and a list should appear
The Department of Education website for your state will have a list of all schools, usually broken down by public, private, religious, miliatry, etc. Check there and from there you can find the county listings for your target area with the schools listed.
http://www.publicschoolreview.com/state_charters/stateid/OH Columbus Arts & College Preparatory Columbus Columbus Youth Columbus Electronic Classrm Of Columbus Excel Institute Columbus Graham School, The Columbus Hamilton Local Digital Columbus Horizon Science Academy Columbus Life Skills Ctr Of N. Columbus Life Skills Ctr Of Se Columbus Virtual Community Sch Of Columbus Youthbuild Columbus Grove City Life Skills Ctr Of Sw
i really need this info i need a new scholl to go to need to know where to look for a list or info about where to look to find charter schools in columbus ohio
Other - Education - 3 Answers
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Goto columbus ohio charter schools and a list should appear
The Department of Education website for your state will have a list of all schools, usually broken down by public, private, religious, miliatry, etc. Check there and from there you can find the county listings for your target area with the schools listed.
http://www.publicschoolreview.com/state_charters/stateid/OH Columbus Arts & College Preparatory Columbus Columbus Youth Columbus Electronic Classrm Of Columbus Excel Institute Columbus Graham School, The Columbus Hamilton Local Digital Columbus Horizon Science Academy Columbus Life Skills Ctr Of N. Columbus Life Skills Ctr Of Se Columbus Virtual Community Sch Of Columbus Youthbuild Columbus Grove City Life Skills Ctr Of Sw
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
What is the population of Columbus, Ohio like?
What is the population of Columbus, Ohio like?
I would like to know what it is like in Columbus, Ohio? Are there areas of the city that are very diverse? Is there a noticeable Asian population? Also, generally, share with me any thoughts you might have about the city. I am interested, mostly due to the fact that we possibly are looking at going to Ohio State for Graduate School.
Other - Destinations - 3 Answers
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Hi, I've lived in Columbus for 5 years now so hopefully I'll be able to help you out a little bit. The most notable neighbourhoods in Columbus are the German village and Short North. German village has always reminded me of a little piece of Europe, good food etc. Short North is mostly an arts community - galleries, bars, food joints. If you plan on going to OSU the most access-able place to spend time would be High Street - again, cafes, bars, food joints. You will have a Buck ID from the university that you can use for bus services - but the buses don't go too far from High Street. There are music venues that might be of interest as well - basically Columbus is a college town. I personally am looking to move to Canada.
www.city-data.com will give you all the info you need, good luck
According to 2006 the population of Columbus ohio Population (2006)[1] [2] - City 733,203 - Density 3,383.6/sq mi (1,306.4/km²) - Metro 1,725,570
I would like to know what it is like in Columbus, Ohio? Are there areas of the city that are very diverse? Is there a noticeable Asian population? Also, generally, share with me any thoughts you might have about the city. I am interested, mostly due to the fact that we possibly are looking at going to Ohio State for Graduate School.
Other - Destinations - 3 Answers
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Hi, I've lived in Columbus for 5 years now so hopefully I'll be able to help you out a little bit. The most notable neighbourhoods in Columbus are the German village and Short North. German village has always reminded me of a little piece of Europe, good food etc. Short North is mostly an arts community - galleries, bars, food joints. If you plan on going to OSU the most access-able place to spend time would be High Street - again, cafes, bars, food joints. You will have a Buck ID from the university that you can use for bus services - but the buses don't go too far from High Street. There are music venues that might be of interest as well - basically Columbus is a college town. I personally am looking to move to Canada.
www.city-data.com will give you all the info you need, good luck
According to 2006 the population of Columbus ohio Population (2006)[1] [2] - City 733,203 - Density 3,383.6/sq mi (1,306.4/km²) - Metro 1,725,570
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Mifflin High School Girls basketball team in Columbus,Ohio?
Mifflin High School Girls basketball team in Columbus,Ohio?
When does their 2006-2007 season start?
Basketball - 2 Answers
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I'm from Columbus.. that's all I can tell you.. probably in the fall some time it will start but you have to train year round.
Their webpage isn't updated for the 2006-2007 school year yet, call them at (614)365-5466.
When does their 2006-2007 season start?
Basketball - 2 Answers
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I'm from Columbus.. that's all I can tell you.. probably in the fall some time it will start but you have to train year round.
Their webpage isn't updated for the 2006-2007 school year yet, call them at (614)365-5466.
Friday, February 18, 2011
What is the best way to pay for cosmetology school?
What is the best way to pay for cosmetology school?
How did you do it? I want to become a cosmetologist and go to a Columbus, Ohio school. The tuition is roughly around $14,000 and all of the financial aid, grants, and loans are stressing me out. I feel like I'll NEVER be able to pay for all of this! Thanks for your time ^_^ -Sam
Other - Beauty & Style - 2 Answers
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Financial Aid.. FAFSA
get a job(s). save your $
How did you do it? I want to become a cosmetologist and go to a Columbus, Ohio school. The tuition is roughly around $14,000 and all of the financial aid, grants, and loans are stressing me out. I feel like I'll NEVER be able to pay for all of this! Thanks for your time ^_^ -Sam
Other - Beauty & Style - 2 Answers
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Financial Aid.. FAFSA
get a job(s). save your $
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Columbus Ohio, who is the most awesome jr high or high school English teacher?
Columbus Ohio, who is the most awesome jr high or high school English teacher?
I am looking for an outstanding teacher who might want to pilot an incredible writing template to his \ her students. This candidate should be one who goes over and above for the students, is usually on campus until 5pm, and who has had to reinvent the wheel to modify standard work to reach undereducated students with high potential. Know someone like that? I am eager to REACH a teacher like that within 24 hours.
Homework Help - 1 Answers
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I am looking for an outstanding teacher who might want to pilot an incredible writing template to his \ her students. This candidate should be one who goes over and above for the students, is usually on campus until 5pm, and who has had to reinvent the wheel to modify standard work to reach undereducated students with high potential. Know someone like that? I am eager to REACH a teacher like that within 24 hours.
Homework Help - 1 Answers
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Monday, February 14, 2011
What is the best way to pay for cosmetology school?
What is the best way to pay for cosmetology school?
How did you do it? I want to become a cosmetologist and go to a Columbus, Ohio school. The tuition is roughly around $14,000 and all of the financial aid, grants, and loans are stressing me out. I feel like I'll NEVER be able to pay for all of this! Thanks for your time ^_^ -Sam
Other - Beauty & Style - 2 Answers
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Financial Aid.. FAFSA
get a job(s). save your $
How did you do it? I want to become a cosmetologist and go to a Columbus, Ohio school. The tuition is roughly around $14,000 and all of the financial aid, grants, and loans are stressing me out. I feel like I'll NEVER be able to pay for all of this! Thanks for your time ^_^ -Sam
Other - Beauty & Style - 2 Answers
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Financial Aid.. FAFSA
get a job(s). save your $
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Other - Family & Relationships - 1 Answers
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1. Arts Impact (Aims) Middle School (614) 365-5558 680 Jack Gibbs Blvd, Columbus, OH 2. Monroe Alternative Middle School (614) 365-6124 474 N Monroe Ave, Columbus, OH 3. Clearbrook Middle School (614) 365-6085 31 N 17th St, Columbus, OH 4. Champion Middle School (614) 365-6082 284 N 22nd St, Columbus, OH 5. Franklin Alternative Middle School (614) 365-6113 1390 Bryden Rd, Columbus, OH 6. Hilltonia Middle School (614) 365-5937 2345 W Mound St, Columbus, OH 7. Southmoor Middle School (614) 365-5550 1201 Moler Rd, Columbus, OH 8. Starling Middle School (614) 365-5945 120 S Central Ave, Columbus, OH 9. Indianola Middle School (614) 365-5575 420 E 19th Ave, Columbus, OH 10. Mansion Day School (614) 258-4449 72 Woodland Ave, Columbus, OH
Other - Family & Relationships - 1 Answers
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1. Arts Impact (Aims) Middle School (614) 365-5558 680 Jack Gibbs Blvd, Columbus, OH 2. Monroe Alternative Middle School (614) 365-6124 474 N Monroe Ave, Columbus, OH 3. Clearbrook Middle School (614) 365-6085 31 N 17th St, Columbus, OH 4. Champion Middle School (614) 365-6082 284 N 22nd St, Columbus, OH 5. Franklin Alternative Middle School (614) 365-6113 1390 Bryden Rd, Columbus, OH 6. Hilltonia Middle School (614) 365-5937 2345 W Mound St, Columbus, OH 7. Southmoor Middle School (614) 365-5550 1201 Moler Rd, Columbus, OH 8. Starling Middle School (614) 365-5945 120 S Central Ave, Columbus, OH 9. Indianola Middle School (614) 365-5575 420 E 19th Ave, Columbus, OH 10. Mansion Day School (614) 258-4449 72 Woodland Ave, Columbus, OH
Thursday, February 10, 2011
did anybody went to westmoor middle school in columbus ohio?
did anybody went to westmoor middle school in columbus ohio?
i'm trying to find friends that are going to seventh this august 30 if you know anyone i would like to have thier e- mail adderss
Friends - 1 Answers
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i'm trying to find friends that are going to seventh this august 30 if you know anyone i would like to have thier e- mail adderss
Friends - 1 Answers
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Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Capital University-Columbus Ohio- is it a party school?
Capital University-Columbus Ohio- is it a party school?
Does anyone know if there is much partying done at Capital because before I committ i would like to know. also any other randoms about the school would help. Thanks!
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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If you want to party, go to Chico State, or Santa Barbara, or University of Texas in Austin. oooorrrrrrr Arizona State. major party schools i promise.
Well, I live near it, but I didn't go there so I don't know what the student experience is like. They're best known for the law school and the seminary school, not for sports or anything like that. I think it was news when their football team actually did well. I don't think it's too much of a party school. It's actually in a little suburb which is pretty boring. :P Nice place to live though. If you contact the school, they might put you in touch with a current student who could answer this better. If you want a party school in Ohio, try OU or OSU.
I would say probably not. I grew up in Columbus Ohio (AKA Slow-lumbus Slow-hio) and even though I live on the East Coast now, I do remember that the only party school there is OHIO STATE!! But then again, what do you expect for a school with almost 60K students. My best friends brother went to Capital and he used to say is a small specialized school that is known for law so most people that go there I would say are going to be very focused and mature. I wish you the best luck where ever you decide to attend!
Does anyone know if there is much partying done at Capital because before I committ i would like to know. also any other randoms about the school would help. Thanks!
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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If you want to party, go to Chico State, or Santa Barbara, or University of Texas in Austin. oooorrrrrrr Arizona State. major party schools i promise.
Well, I live near it, but I didn't go there so I don't know what the student experience is like. They're best known for the law school and the seminary school, not for sports or anything like that. I think it was news when their football team actually did well. I don't think it's too much of a party school. It's actually in a little suburb which is pretty boring. :P Nice place to live though. If you contact the school, they might put you in touch with a current student who could answer this better. If you want a party school in Ohio, try OU or OSU.
I would say probably not. I grew up in Columbus Ohio (AKA Slow-lumbus Slow-hio) and even though I live on the East Coast now, I do remember that the only party school there is OHIO STATE!! But then again, what do you expect for a school with almost 60K students. My best friends brother went to Capital and he used to say is a small specialized school that is known for law so most people that go there I would say are going to be very focused and mature. I wish you the best luck where ever you decide to attend!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Can there be boxing teams in columbus ohio high schools?
Can there be boxing teams in columbus ohio high schools?
if so how do u get one?
Boxing - 1 Answers
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I am certain the answer is no. I am a college professor and worked 1 year in the secondary schools. I can almost guarantee you that boxing is not a sport that is politically embraced in secondary schools. There are no such thing as boxing teams nor it is politically and federally supported as an athletic program within secondary districts.
if so how do u get one?
Boxing - 1 Answers
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I am certain the answer is no. I am a college professor and worked 1 year in the secondary schools. I can almost guarantee you that boxing is not a sport that is politically embraced in secondary schools. There are no such thing as boxing teams nor it is politically and federally supported as an athletic program within secondary districts.
Friday, February 4, 2011
any good riding schools near Columbus Ohio?
any good riding schools near Columbus Ohio?
like has anyone ridden at any good schools, I know how to find them already, just hoping to go to a good knowledgable school.
Horses - 3 Answers
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nevzorovhauteecole.com That is an online riding school from Russia. There methods are the best anywhere!!!!!
I went to Miami University in oxford and rode all 5 years there with their IHSA team. It has great acidemics, no equine fields however, if that's what you're going for. Findlay is good if you want to major in an equine field, so they say. But then its acidemics aren't as top notch as a Miami or somesuch. We had zones at Lake Erie College once, and they have a nice facility. Ohio State also has a nice team. Just go to the IHSA website - ihsainc.com - and look in the region 6 schools for the ohio-ish schools. http://ihsainc.com/CurrentTeams/ListSchools.aspx You can contact coaches of any schools you are interested in and ask questions, or even to arrange a visit so you can see the facilities, meet some of the riders, and maybe watch the team practice as well. Find out how often they ride, how much it costs, how far the stable is from campus and if there is any transportation available for freshmen if it's off campus, what disciplines they focus in, if there are tryouts or if anyone can join, how many people are on the team, how many horses they have, etc.
I haven't ridden at any but I've heard of a few good ones. http://www.thefriesianempire.com/ http://www.harvestmoonacres.com/ http://www.blackcreekranch.net/
like has anyone ridden at any good schools, I know how to find them already, just hoping to go to a good knowledgable school.
Horses - 3 Answers
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nevzorovhauteecole.com That is an online riding school from Russia. There methods are the best anywhere!!!!!
I went to Miami University in oxford and rode all 5 years there with their IHSA team. It has great acidemics, no equine fields however, if that's what you're going for. Findlay is good if you want to major in an equine field, so they say. But then its acidemics aren't as top notch as a Miami or somesuch. We had zones at Lake Erie College once, and they have a nice facility. Ohio State also has a nice team. Just go to the IHSA website - ihsainc.com - and look in the region 6 schools for the ohio-ish schools. http://ihsainc.com/CurrentTeams/ListSchools.aspx You can contact coaches of any schools you are interested in and ask questions, or even to arrange a visit so you can see the facilities, meet some of the riders, and maybe watch the team practice as well. Find out how often they ride, how much it costs, how far the stable is from campus and if there is any transportation available for freshmen if it's off campus, what disciplines they focus in, if there are tryouts or if anyone can join, how many people are on the team, how many horses they have, etc.
I haven't ridden at any but I've heard of a few good ones. http://www.thefriesianempire.com/ http://www.harvestmoonacres.com/ http://www.blackcreekranch.net/
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Where can I find training for ultrasound tech/medical sonographer in columbus, ohio?
Where can I find training for ultrasound tech/medical sonographer in columbus, ohio?
I've been searching for hours and can't find a single school in columbus, only other cities in ohio. Please help! Also, I have a very low high school g.p.a. Will they let me in?
Health Care - 2 Answers
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There are actually 10 CAAHEP accredited programs in Ohio. Well, 9 really - don't count Sanford Brown, you don't want to go there. Just go to this link, select Diagnostic Medical Sonographer and then Ohio to see all the results. http://www.caahep.org/Find-An-Accredited-Program/ Without knowing your GPA or the requirements of the schools you'll be looking at, I have no idea if you'll get in. However, technical schools/community colleges tend to be a bit more forgiving than universities. Once you are in and are working on your pre-requisites for the program, make sure you work really hard to get good grades. A lot of DMS programs have a competitive admissions process, meaning your grades will determine how quickly you can get into the program after applying. And you also want to work hard in those pre-req classes because it will help prepare you for the DMS program. These programs are intense & stressful, and you have to keep your grades up above a C to remain in the program. So you need to develop really good study habits and test-taking skills now. Good luck :)
You can go to Columbus State Community College and apply. Originally I was going to apply for this program but it is VERY competitive. I applied for the nursing program instead.
I've been searching for hours and can't find a single school in columbus, only other cities in ohio. Please help! Also, I have a very low high school g.p.a. Will they let me in?
Health Care - 2 Answers
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There are actually 10 CAAHEP accredited programs in Ohio. Well, 9 really - don't count Sanford Brown, you don't want to go there. Just go to this link, select Diagnostic Medical Sonographer and then Ohio to see all the results. http://www.caahep.org/Find-An-Accredited-Program/ Without knowing your GPA or the requirements of the schools you'll be looking at, I have no idea if you'll get in. However, technical schools/community colleges tend to be a bit more forgiving than universities. Once you are in and are working on your pre-requisites for the program, make sure you work really hard to get good grades. A lot of DMS programs have a competitive admissions process, meaning your grades will determine how quickly you can get into the program after applying. And you also want to work hard in those pre-req classes because it will help prepare you for the DMS program. These programs are intense & stressful, and you have to keep your grades up above a C to remain in the program. So you need to develop really good study habits and test-taking skills now. Good luck :)
You can go to Columbus State Community College and apply. Originally I was going to apply for this program but it is VERY competitive. I applied for the nursing program instead.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
ok im thinking about going there next year what is the school like ?
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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This really isn't the best format to address a question about that specific high school because the likelihood that someone who actually went there is reading your question is very low. Consider visiting the campus and talking to some actual students.
ok im thinking about going there next year what is the school like ?
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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This really isn't the best format to address a question about that specific high school because the likelihood that someone who actually went there is reading your question is very low. Consider visiting the campus and talking to some actual students.
Friday, January 28, 2011
what school districts in the Columbus, Ohio area are known to be good with special needs children?
what school districts in the Columbus, Ohio area are known to be good with special needs children?
Hi Im a single mother of 13 yr old son with Aspergers, capd, add, sensory Integration disorder. I am looking to move to Columbus area. I have looked at state report cards and have come to the conclusion that you cant tell by the state report card if the school district actually cares about educating special needs children. For the simply fact that we were in a state report card rated excellent school district and they treated my son horribly. The one we are in now that is also rated excellent on the state report card is alot better but unfortunately I need to find a full-time job in another city because there are none available here where i live. So does anyone know of good school districts in the Columbus , ohio area ? one that will actually work with the parent and do what they say they are gonna do, follow Iep, have teachers that are trained to work with special needs children and actually enjoy it?
Special Education - 1 Answers
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In my experience, ask the schools some of the following questions: -Does your school do inclusion? In what classes do you have both an intervention specialist and gen ed teacher? (the better spec. ed schools should have an inclusion option in the core classes--English, reading, math, where true team-teaching is going on) -How many intervention specialists do you have? (the more the better---this says they put their money where their mouth is!) -How many classroom aides do you have? (same as above!) Also try contacting the Office for Exceptional Children, through the Ohio Department of Education (614) 466-2650. They may be able to tell you their experiences with good schools in the area. Or, they might be able to point you in the direction of a local Columbus parent support group. GOOD LUCK!
Hi Im a single mother of 13 yr old son with Aspergers, capd, add, sensory Integration disorder. I am looking to move to Columbus area. I have looked at state report cards and have come to the conclusion that you cant tell by the state report card if the school district actually cares about educating special needs children. For the simply fact that we were in a state report card rated excellent school district and they treated my son horribly. The one we are in now that is also rated excellent on the state report card is alot better but unfortunately I need to find a full-time job in another city because there are none available here where i live. So does anyone know of good school districts in the Columbus , ohio area ? one that will actually work with the parent and do what they say they are gonna do, follow Iep, have teachers that are trained to work with special needs children and actually enjoy it?
Special Education - 1 Answers
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In my experience, ask the schools some of the following questions: -Does your school do inclusion? In what classes do you have both an intervention specialist and gen ed teacher? (the better spec. ed schools should have an inclusion option in the core classes--English, reading, math, where true team-teaching is going on) -How many intervention specialists do you have? (the more the better---this says they put their money where their mouth is!) -How many classroom aides do you have? (same as above!) Also try contacting the Office for Exceptional Children, through the Ohio Department of Education (614) 466-2650. They may be able to tell you their experiences with good schools in the area. Or, they might be able to point you in the direction of a local Columbus parent support group. GOOD LUCK!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
How can I find a calendar for columbus Ohio public schools?
How can I find a calendar for columbus Ohio public schools?
Primary & Secondary Education - 3 Answers
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go to the school website maybe...
http://www.columbus.k12.oh.us/website.nsf/63F73958229500148525701C0050D0E3/$File/2005-2006%20One%20Sheet%20Calendar.pdf?OpenElement Though if you want to find it yourself. www.google.com Search Columbus Ohio Public School Calendar Click on for Parents
I beleive this might be what you are looking for.
Primary & Secondary Education - 3 Answers
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go to the school website maybe...
http://www.columbus.k12.oh.us/website.nsf/63F73958229500148525701C0050D0E3/$File/2005-2006%20One%20Sheet%20Calendar.pdf?OpenElement Though if you want to find it yourself. www.google.com Search Columbus Ohio Public School Calendar Click on for Parents
I beleive this might be what you are looking for.
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