Monday, April 18, 2011

What do i have to do, do get into PHARMACY SCHOOL?

What do i have to do, do get into PHARMACY SCHOOL?
Im a Senior in high school in Columbus Ohio, & i was wondering what i have to do to get into pharmacy school. I signed up to take the SAT & ACT, are there any other test i have to take to get into Pharmacy School?, i was trying to get into Univ. of Toledo, Univ. of Cincinnati, or OHIO Northern. What do i have to do to get into these schools?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Good career. Browse through these web pages for some answers.

Take the subjects required. What I do know is that having work experience in a related area or in the pharmaceutical area can really help your chances.

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