Saturday, April 16, 2011

College life in Columbus,Ohio ???

College life in Columbus,Ohio ???
Im considering of applying to OSU, and have a close frriend who is considering goin go the Columbus art school there too.. except, i've heard that the city is very boring, and that there is not much to do there.. So is the college life boring there?? i mean, it is in the Capital of Ohio? Could it realy be that boring?
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers

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It all depends on what you're looking for. I don't know about local clubs, those probably change pretty regularly, but there are museums, sports, shopping, concerts at nearby venues, and lots of things geared toward college students. It's less than 2 hours from Cleveland so if there's something you're dying to do in the "big" city, it's not that far away. I love living in Ohio, but it's not the place for everyone. See if you can visit your friend for a weekend, or set up a visit where you can stay on camups with OSU students. You may have to find your entertainment, and with such a big school they may not have events planned as regularly as a small school. If you want REALLY boring (but I still loved it), check out Ashland University, which is about an hour north of Columbus.

Not only is Columbus the capital, but OSU is the largest university in the country, with more than 40,000 students. They have every student activity that it's possible to have. Some people actually mean they think the entire midwest is boring. I, for example, need mountains around. No mountains worth the name in Ohio. Depends on what you like. I sure wouldn't let somebody's personal opinion keep me from going to a school that I'd probably like. Have you had a chance to visit the school and check it out for yourself? I'd try to do that.

Thats the craziest thing i have heard lol i live about 15 minutes away from the college I am 17 I plan on going there in the fall.. it is far from boring there is clubs everywhere there Is always something going on. I mean if you like to party then it is def. right for you but even if you are into other things there is a ton of options to go on around there..

Like some of the other responses have noted, it really depends on what constitutes "fun" for you. If you like going out to movies, there are quite a few decent theaters, including indie theaters. If you like restaurants and/or bars and clubs, there are several that offer wide ranges of cuisine and atmosphere. If you like the frat party/kegger scene, that's also an option. Columbus has a pretty extensive park system, and there are many miles of bike trails all over the city for the more outdoorsy set. Though again, it's not particularly hilly or mountainous, so if you love skiing and all-terrain hiking, then Columbus isn't the best choice for that kind of thing. There are various art fairs and ethnic festivals throughout the year either in the city or in the immediate suburbs. In short, there's plenty of things to do for most people, even ones who don't love football (just sleep in on autumn Saturdays). It doesn't have as much hustle-and-bustle of bigger cities like New York or LA, but that doesn't mean it's some sleepy, one stoplight kind of town either. There's close to 2 million people in the Columbus metro area, so it's still a decent-sized place.

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